“More or Less,” featuring art created by Kim Faler, OWU Class of 2002, in the Werner Gallery inside Edgar Hall, 35 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. The exhibit brings together three bodies of work – Cull, Undone, and Wasting Time – by Faler, a sculptor and multimedia artist. The title “More or Less” alludes to the sense of touch and surface tension, as well as emotions that are hard to articulate. Faler’s work invites viewers to look closer at what is familiar and focuses deeply on the materials she uses. Notions of anxiety, ephemerality, and the slippery nature of memory permeate the art. Learn more at kimfaler.com. The show will be on display through Oct. 10, and the gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday when classes are in session. Admission is free. Learn more at owu.edu/ross.