2024-2025 Student Handbook 
    Mar 26, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Commitment to University Community

​Ohio Wesleyan University seeks to create and maintain an intellectual and educational atmosphere throughout the campus.  The protection of health, safety, and welfare of members of the University community is essential to the educational mission of Ohio Wesleyan University.  Ohio Wesleyan University is a diverse community of scholars that seeks to provide a learning, living and working environment conducive to the free pursuit of truth by all its members. Members of the OWU community are expected to respect each other’s differences and value the diversity that each individual person brings to our community.

Animals on University Property

University Animals can include service animals, emotional support animals (ESA), and pets.  

Emotional Support Animal (ESA): Provides passive support and assistance to mitigate the impact of the handler’s disability, but is not trained to perform specific tasks on behalf of the handler. An ESA may be an accommodation for a student with a disability, but only within the student’s dwelling. Students may qualify for this accommodation if there is an identifiable and documented nexus between the disability and the support that the animal provides. A student may be approved for up to one animal. ESA requests must be approved through the Accessibility Services Office.

Service Animal: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a service animal as any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability. A service animal is trained to provide an active task (e.g. environment navigation) that mitigates impact of handler’s disability. The service dog must be in the handlers control at all times and can be in all common areas, classrooms, offices  and residential spaces on campus. The student is not required to register the service dog with the Accessibility Services Office. However it would be helpful to notify ASO when bringing a service animal to campus. The ASO can help communicate with University faculty/staff to support the needs of the student.

Pet: Any animal kept for ordinary use and companionship, and is not otherwise an approved service animal or emotional support animal. The pet policy pertains to residential spaces only.  Pets are not allowed in other University buildings. The only pets permitted in residential buildings are non-poisonous fish, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs.  Students may have one pet in their residential space.

Water-filled aquariums of no more than 10-gallon capacity may be maintained for fish, snails, and crustaceans. Turtles, amphibians, other reptiles, and other aquarium dwelling animals are not permitted.  All animals, including fish, must be taken home over semester breaks. The University will not be held responsible for the safety of fish or any animals in the event of electrical power failures.  Unless otherwise approved by the university for accommodation purposes, the housing of cats, dogs, rabbits, ferrets, hedgehogs, snakes, and other unauthorized animals in the residence halls is prohibited.

No visiting animals (i.e. pets from home) will be permitted in any residence halls at any time.

Animals will be permitted in University housing only if the student receives prior written authorization from the Office of Residential Life and/or Accessibility Services Center, as applicable.

Students that have animals on campus must comply with all state laws and local animal ordinances, as well as all University policies as it relates to animals on campus. Dangerous, poisonous, and illegal animals as per federal, state, and/or local laws are not permitted.

Any animal that displays aggressive behaviors toward other students, staff, faculty, and/or guests may be barred from campus. Animals that constitute a threat (perceived or otherwise) or nuisance in the functioning of the University as determined by the Office of Residential Life and/or the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards must be removed immediately from campus. The Accessibility Services Center will be involved in decisions to remove an animal if the animal is registered through the Center.

Owners must take appropriate precautions to prevent injury and/or property damage and assume financial responsibility for the actions of the animal, including bodily harm and property damage. All animals must be housebroken or litter box trained. The owner should keep the animal from urinating or defecating in gardens or cultivated areas of the campus. Animal accidents within the room must be promptly cleaned up using appropriate cleaning materials. 

All animals must be spayed or neutered prior to coming to campus, as appropriate by the type of animal.

Collars and identification tags for dogs/cats must be worn at all times. It is recommended that the ESA wear some type of commonly recognized identification symbol that identifies the animal as an ESA, but not disclosing the owner’s disability.

When the animal is one that can be trained to follow commands (i.e.: a dog), then the ESA should respond to voice or hand commands (i.e.: come upon command, stopping behavior upon command) at all times, and the owner should maintain full control over the ESA. Owners are strongly encouraged to have an established relationship with the ESA for at least six (6) months prior to bringing the ESA to campus.

ESAs and pets may be limited in size with regard to the residential room availability. The student will not be granted a larger space to accommodate the ESA and/or pet and all pertinent items required for the health and safety of the animal and the OWU community.

Pets and ESAs are not permitted in the common living area within the residential spaces, including in houses. This includes bathrooms, laundry facilities, indoor recreational rooms, living rooms, lounges, hallways, computer labs, study rooms, or other common areas of the residential facility. The animal, unless it is a licensed service animal, must be housed in the owner’s assigned residential room at all times, except as required for transportation off campus, to exercise, or to eliminate waste. The animal must be crated when the student is not in the room.

Pets and ESAs cannot be taken into classrooms, labs, dining halls, or other buildings on campus.

The Residential Life Office will inform Buildings and Grounds where animals reside. When routine maintenance is necessary, the Residential Life Office will make every effort to coordinate the schedule in advance so that the owner can be present. When an owner requests repairs for the room and is absent from a room, the owner must ensure the animal is crated or should find alternative off campus space for the animal during the repair process.

Animal Approval Process

Animals are permitted in the student’s room only after:

  • The student completes and submits the pet registration form.  Residential Life Coordinators can provide students a copy of the pet registration form, and it is also available in the Residential Life office.

  • The student gains advance approval from the Residential Life Office and/or the Accessibility Services Office.

  • The student gains advance approval from their roommates before the pet arrives on campus. A roommate’s request to live in a pet-free environment supersedes the right of the student to have a pet in their room.

  • If a student lives in a house the student must obtain approval from all other students who live in the house in order to have an animal.

Unapproved Animals

Any animal in violation of this policy must be immediately removed by the owner or will be immediately removed and moved to a local shelter or the Humane Society. The University reserves the right to determine if an animal meets the pet policy guidelines or qualifies as an ESA. Violation of this animal policy may result in a referral to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. Policy violations may result in a daily fine of $50/day from the University’s knowledge of the unapproved animals presence until it is removed.

Care and Supervision

The student is solely responsible for the care and supervision of the animal. Residential Life assumes no responsibility for the care of an animal and the staff are not responsible for the care of an animal if there is an emergency.  Students must provide emergency contact information should the owner be unable to care for the animal at any time. The emergency contact must be available to take possession of the animal within 12 hours from a call being made to the contact. A current OWU student or OWU personnel cannot be the emergency contact person.

The owner may not leave their animal unattended for an extended period of time based on the needs of the animal (i.e: a dog needs attention differently than a reptile). Should this occur, Residential Life will attempt to contact the student or emergency contact to remove the animal.  If this is not successful, the local animal service agency will be contacted to have the animal removed. All costs associated with removing the animal shall be the responsibility of the student.

The owner must assure that the animal does not unduly interfere or adversely affect the routine activities of other residents and neighbors, to the greatest extent possible.  This includes ensuring that the behavior, noise, odor, and waste does not exceed reasonable standards and these factors do not create an unreasonable disruption for residents and staff.  Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to: loud barking, growling, howling, crying, excessive noise, physical harm to humans or other animals, foul odors, and destruction of property.

The owner must provide appropriate food, water, and shelter and keep the animal and its shelter clean and free of odors.

Animal waste should be immediately retrieved by the owner, placed in a plastic bag, and securely tied before being disposed of in outside trash dumpsters.  No waste may be disposed of in any interior trash receptacles, sinks, toilets, or drains. The odor of an animal may not emanate from the owner’s room. Regular and routine cleaning of floors, kennels, cages and litter boxes by the owner is required.  

While outside the owner’s residence, or while being transported, the animal must be in an animal carrier or controlled by a leash or harness.  In an emergency evacuation of the building, if possible, the animal should be on a leash or caged when exiting from the building.

The owner must ensure that the animal does not  display any behaviors or noises that are disruptive to others or block an aisle or passageway for fire exits.

Routine maintenance and veterinary care, when applicable, is required; this includes flea and tick prevention and de-worming.  Recommended vaccinations and annual examinations must be completed. Accessibility Services and Residential Life has the right to request updated veterinary verification annually, or at any time during the animal’s residency.

The student must not allow an animal to be neglected or abused. If any animal neglect is suspected, University staff will contact the student, the Office of Public Safety, and the Humane Society.  In some circumstances, the staff person may allow an animal control officer or humane society representative to enter the student’s room/apartment to inspect the animal care and, if appropriate, remove the animal if, in the University’s judgment, the student has abandoned the animal; left the animal in the room for an extended period of time without food or water; or failed to care for a sick animal.

Bullying and Cyberbullying

Bullying/Cyberbullying is defined as repeated and/or severe aggressive behavior likely to cause reasonable fear or intended to hurt, control, or diminish another person physically or mentally, and that is not speech or conduct otherwise protected by university policies.

The Title IX Coordinator, or designee, will be involved in the assessment of the complaint and will work in conjunction with thother University officials to address concerns of bullying in cases where bullying may be a gender-based offense.

Coercion, Intimidation, and Force

Coercion and Intimidation

Persuading someone to do something with unreasonable, persistent pressure to engage in an activity against their will.  Examples of coercion include words or actions that stigmatize, threaten, or cause a person an articulable and reasonable fear for safety.  This can include compelling someone to act in a way that they would not typically engage in due to fear for physical safety of self or another person.  Examples of this may include, but are not limited to, threatening physical, emotional, financial, or reputational harm to self or another person should an individual not comply with demands.


Use or threat of physical violence or intimidation to overcome an individual’s freedom to choose whether or not they will participate in an activity.

Computer and Technology Use

Ohio Wesleyan University provides computing resources to support the educational mission and administration of the University.  The University also serves as a technology resource for the local community of OWU students, faculty, and staff; the extended OWU community, including alumni and emeriti faculty and staff; and campus visitors and guests.  Information Services provide and maintain the public computing infrastructure, such as the network, servers, and computer laboratories. These resources are critical for the academic, administrative, and research needs of the University community.  OWU community members, visitors, and guests (users) who utilize these resources are expected to comply with institutional policies as well as local state, and federal laws and regulations.  Each user will share the responsibility for safeguarding the University’s computing environment.  Fair, legal, and equitable use of the resources is essential for all users to maintain OWU’s computing environment.

Technology environments can easily be disrupted, and digital information can effortlessly be duplicated and distributed.  Responsible utilization of OWU’s computing resources by users will ensure the integrity of these resources.  The promotion of responsible use of the University’s resources does not negate the value placed on individual privacy and intellectual property rights or the academic freedoms guaranteed by the university.

Visit Information Services to review the entire OWU Computer Use Policy.

University Technology Resources and Student Safety

The University reserves the right to utilize technology resources on-campus to review the whereabouts of a student if there is a concern for the student’s safety or well-being.  

The technology may also be used when conducting an investigation for conduct and behavior concerns. 

Technology review may include “pinging” phones and other devices registered to the OWU network, checking meal swipe records, and/or reviewing building access records. Permission to run these reports must be issued by a member of the Dean of Students staff, Director of Public Safety, and/or Director of Residential Life in collaboration with staff from Information Services.

Dishonest Behavior and False Reporting

Students are expected to act with integrity and report incidents in good faith. Dishonest behavior includes, but is not limited to: knowingly reporting a false emergency; knowingly making false accusation of misconduct; misrepresentation of self through technology, university or related documents by actions such as forgery, alteration, or improper transfer; possession, use or manufacturing of a false identification document; submission of information known by the submitter to be false to a university official.

Disruptive Conduct

Students and student organizations may not engage in behavior that threatens others or the security or functioning of the University; damages property; disrupts the peace or interferes with the normal operation of the University or University sponsored events; and/or infringes on the rights of others. Disruptive conduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • Reckless and/or negligent behavior that impacts the learning and living environment of the OWU community.

  • Disruption or prevention of any University activity or normal functioning of the University.

  • Providing false information or failing to provide information to staff, interfering with staff while they are performing their duties, or being uncooperative.

  • Being verbally or otherwise abusive to other students. Abusive behavior includes, but is not limited to, physically threatening conduct, verbal threats, demeaning language, or noncompliance of staff directions.

  • Violations of no contact orders.

  • Tampering with safety equipment.

  • Excessive noise (see noise policy), which interferes with classes, University offices, residence hall neighbors, or other campus and community activities.

  • Failure to disperse when a building, office, or campus space is closed, or during an emergency evacuation process.

  • Public nudity and/or “streaking”.

  • Urinating or defecating in public spaces.

  • Hallway sports.

Endangering Behavior

Unwelcome conduct that impacts the health, safety or well-being of any person, including but not limited to:

  • Reckless conduct that injures, disregards, or endangers the safety or health of any member of the University community, including oneself.

  • Making physical contact of an insulting, provoking, or provocative nature with an individual.

  • Engaging in behavior that is so persistent, pervasive, or severe as to deny a person’s ability to participate in the University community.

Failure to Comply

Refusing to comply with the directives of a faculty or staff member (including Resident Assistants) in the performance of their official duties, refusing to comply with a University-wide directive (i.e.: safety alerts, highly-communicable disease guidelines) or with the orders of individuals acting on behalf of the University;

Wilful disregard of and/or neglect to follow University policies, rules, and regulations.

Food: Campus Events, Fundraising, and Sales

Events with food on campus must be coordinated through AVI Dining Services.  Kitchens and serveries of the University will not be used for catered events by outside parties without permission.  AVI must be given the “first right of refusal” before a student organization and/or group contracts with an outside vendor. Exceptions can and will be made at the discretion of AVI and OWU, as partners.

Catering defined: a campus event that involves sale of food for any purpose (e.g.: fundraisers for student organizations) or an outside vendor bringing food to campus for an event.

AVI provides an annual list of approved foods that students can bring from outside vendors without a need to request permission, if the total catering purchase does not exceed $150.00. This list can be obtained through the Student Involvement Office.  The University expects students to coordinate with AVI Dining Services, once an outside vendor is given permission to come to campus. This is to ensure that food safety is considered and meets all serving standards outlined by the state of Ohio.

Students will be required to register their events through Engage in the Student Involvement Office and confirm that approvals have been received from AVI staff to meet these requirements.

Student events and/or fundraisers that involve students preparing food in any way with University funds and/or to represent a student organization or group must be approved by AVI Dining Services staff and the Student Involvement office.

Individuals who sell food items must have a temporary food permit obtained through the Delaware General Health District.  The Delaware General Health District & State of Ohio Food Code prohibits the selling of homemade food without a permit.  Items may be offered for a donation, but a set or suggested price or donation amount cannot be advertised, and fundraisers may not refuse to provide the homemade item if someone does not choose to donate. Should these foods include any of the 8 major allergens (dairy, eggs, wheat, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, and/or soy), those allergens must be listed on the package’s label.

This policy does not prohibit selling consumables as a for-profit operation on campus, however, permission must be received from the University to conduct such business.


Students are expected to abide by federal, state, and athletic association regulations related to gambling. Examples of prohibited behavior include bookmaking  and/or establishing or operating a game of chance for profit.

Guests and Visitors

  • A “visitor” is defined as a non-OWU student visiting a current OWU student;
  • A “guest” is defined as a currently-enrolled OWU student who is not currently assigned as a resident of that particular room.

Students who host visitors are responsible for their behavior. A University policy violation by a visitor may result in a complaint being opened against the host student. Students who are hosting visitors who are on campus for a recruiting event sponsored by the Admissions Office, the Athletics Department, or other campus organizations are exempt from this policy.

All residential facilities have an open visitation policy. In no instance shall a guest or visitor become a long-term resident of a University owned facility, as it would interfere with the rights of roommates and others in the living unit.

OWU students are permitted to have guests and visitors under the following policies:


  • Students are also responsible for informing their visitors of University policies and appropriate parking areas.

  • The hosting student must have permission from their roommate(s) for an overnight guest and/or visitor. Roommate wishes must be honored at all times.

  • Students are required to report the presence of a visitor with a car on campus to the Public Safety Office. A visitor parking pass can be obtained (free of charge) and can be issued for up to three days. Students are responsible for any traffic citation(s) that their visitor may receive on campus. Unregistered vehicles, vehicles parked in fire lanes or blocking trash dumpsters may be towed from University parking at the expense of the owner. 

  • Each student may host a maximum of two overnight guests or visitors at one time.

  • Ohio Wesleyan University reserves the right to immediately remove a non-OWU student visitor from campus for disruptive behavior or any violation of a University policy.

  • A guest or visitor stay may not exceed three overnight visits in any given week. An extended pattern of visitation may lead to immediate removal of the guest or visitor.

  • During the academic year, (i.e. fall and spring semesters) overnight guests and visitors are not permitted until after classes begin at the beginning of each semester, during the final examination period at the end of each semester, or during break periods. 


Ohio Wesleyan University does not discriminate against any person in employment or educational opportunities because of race, color, religion, age, ethnicity, national origin, national ancestry, sex, pregnancy, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, military service or veteran status, mental or physical disability, or genetic information.

Defined as words, nonverbal symbols or actions that are a) directed toward another individual; b) unwanted; c) severe or pervasive enough to substantially interfere with that person’s learning, living and working experience at OWU and thereby create a discriminatory and/or hostile environment; and d) outside the realm of appropriate academic study or practice.  A discriminatory and/or hostile environment can be created by a series of events or a single event.  When considering whether a discriminatory and/or hostile environment exists, both objective and subjective standards will be considered.


Hazing is defined as any mental or physical requirement, request, and/or direct/indirect suggestion to act in such a way that causes or creates a substantial risk of discomfort, pain, fright, disgrace, injury, and/or personal degradation placed upon a member or prospective member of an organization (varsity team, club sport, group, Greek chapter, etc.) by other members of that organization 

People and organizations that haze may experience a response through the University conduct resolution process, as well as criminal and civil charges.  Charges of hazing can be filed not only against the person who committed the act, but witnesses to the incident, people with firsthand knowledge of the incident, and individuals who were hazed.  

The president and officers of an organization, the advisor, and/or any national headquarters could be liable.  In addition to individual charges, organizational charges may be filed.

Ohio State Law on Hazing

Last updated July 29, 2021

(1) “Hazing” means doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization or any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliation with any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse, as defined in section 3719.011 of the Revised Code.

(2) “Organization” includes a national or international organization with which a fraternity or sorority is affiliated.

(B)(1) No person shall recklessly participate in the hazing of another.

(2) No administrator, employee, faculty member, teacher, consultant, alumnus, or volunteer of any organization, including any primary, secondary, or post-secondary school or any other educational institution, public or private, shall recklessly permit the hazing of any person associated with the organization.

(C)(1) No person shall recklessly participate in the hazing of another when the hazing includes coerced consumption of alcohol or drugs of abuse resulting in serious physical harm to the other person.

(2) No administrator, employee, faculty member, teacher, consultant, alumnus, or volunteer of any organization, including any primary, secondary, or post-secondary school or any other educational institution, public or private, shall recklessly permit the hazing of any person associated with the organization when the hazing includes coerced consumption of alcohol or drugs of abuse resulting in serious physical harm to that person.

(D) Whoever violates this section is guilty of hazing. A violation of division (B)(1) or (2) of this section is a misdemeanor of the second degree. A violation of division (C)(1) or (2) of this section is a felony of the third degree.

Examples of Hazing

Depending on the circumstances, the activities listed below are among those construed as hazing.  These examples are not all-inclusive.

  • A requirement or encouragement that compels an individual to participate in any activity that is illegal or contrary to an individual’s genuine, moral, and/or religious beliefs or contrary to the rules and regulations of the University.

  • An activity that might reasonably bring embarrassment or emotional harm to the individual(s).

  • An activity that might reasonably bring physical harm to the individual(s).

  • An activity that requires an unreasonable or inordinate amount of the individual’s time or any manner that impairs the individual’s academic efforts.

  • An activity that requires consumption of any liquid or solid matter.

  • An activity that would degrade or otherwise compromise the dignity of the individual

  • Anything detrimental to the OWU community.

  • Blindfolding.

  • Calisthenics.

  • Clothing that is unclean or in poor taste.

  • Harassment (yelling, pushing, cursing, etc.).

  • Implication and/or references to public sex and/or nudity or indecent exposure.

  • Kidnapping or simulation of the act of kidnapping.

  • Less than six (6) hours of uninterrupted sleep nightly.

  • New member education (pledge) programs that run past the designated eight (8) week deadline without consent of the Interfraternity or Panhellenic councils and chapter house corporation (this includes falsely ending the program).

  • New members/prospective new members/members standing, walking, ambulating in formation (line ups).

  • Paddling or striking in any manner.

  • Posting signs in/on a University building or property which indicates poor taste (all signs must be approved by the office in charge of that organization).

  • Preventing/restricting normal personal hygiene.

  • Psychological shock.

  • Public humiliation.

  • Public/private obscenities.

  • Requiring or encouraging the carrying of items, such as rocks, helmets, books, paddles, matches, etc..

  • Restricting personal freedoms such as eating proper meals, using the phone, returning to or sleeping in their rooms, showering, etc..

  • The use of alcohol.

  • Throwing anything at an individual.

  • Treasure or scavenger hunts, road trips.

All acts of hazing, both on and off campus by an organization or any of its members, are strictly forbidden.

If you become aware of incidents of hazing and/or suspicious behavior, please contact:

  • The Dean of Students Office: (740) 368-3135
  • Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards: (740) 368-3178
  • Public Safety: (740) 368-2222
  • Or submit report via the online reporting form.


Any verbal, written, or gesticulated act that a reasonable person would take to be a credible threat of attack against one’s physical well-being or property. 

Missing Student Policy

Most missing student reports in a campus environment result from students changing their routines without informing friends. If a member of the University community has reason to believe that a student is missing, all efforts will be made to locate the student to determine their state of health and well-being.

A student shall be deemed missing whenever their whereabouts are unknown for more than 24 hours by the University.  The University will determine 24 hours based on when it is put on notice that an individual may be missing.  Reports of missing students should be referred immediately to the Office of Public Safety or local law enforcement officials.

Reports of missing students will be addressed in collaboration with the Dean of Students Office and the Office of Public Safety.  Contact can be made with the following offices/people if there are concerns for a missing person:

  • Public Safety: (740) 368-2222

  • Doug Koyle, Associate Dean for Student Success:
    (740) 368-3135, dmkoyle@owu.edu

  • Emily Paetz, Director of Student Integrity and Community Standards: (740) 368-3178, empaetz@owu.edu

  • Residential Life: (740) 368-3175, contact can be made by speaking to Resident Assistants or Residential Life Coordinators

Emergency Contact Policy

At the beginning of each academic year, every student is asked to identify an emergency contact person to be notified if that student is determined to be missing. The missing student contact information is collected and maintained by the Office of Residence Life.

Contact information is registered confidentially, and the information is accessible only to authorized campus officials and law enforcement. The contact information is not disclosed outside of a missing person’s investigation.

Students under the age of 18

Persons under age 18 who are not emancipated should know the University is obligated to notify the custodial parent or guardian, in addition to notifying any additional contact person designated by the student, within 24 hours of determining that they are missing.

Notifications to Law Enforcement

The University notifies local law enforcement, Delaware Police Department, that a student is missing within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing. This occurs regardless of whether the student has identified a contact person, is above the age of 18, or is an emancipated minor.

Non consensual penetration

Any penetration, however slight, with any body part or object by a person upon another person that is without consent and/or by force.

Penetration Includes:

Vaginal or anal penetration by a penis, object, tongue or finger, and oral copulation (mouth to genital contact), no matter how slight the penetration or contact.

For this policy to be considered, it must be a complaint that does not fall within the scope of Title IX policy jurisdiction.

Physical Acts of Violence Against Persons

Defined as unwanted physical contact with another that causes, or attempts to cause, physical harm, or that recklessly creates the potential for physical harm. Students who are attacked should not retaliate; rather, the attack should be reported to the University and/or Delaware Police Department. The only exception is when a student can demonstrate they were forced to strike back to prevent harm to self or to another, but this will be determined through a thorough investigation and parties may face interim measures during the investigation process.

Photography and Publication

Ohio Wesleyan University, led by the Office of University Communications, routinely seeks to capture images and information depicting academic and residential life, and to publish them internally and externally to share OWU’s educational mission, student accomplishments, and student opportunities. 

As such, Ohio Wesleyan University reserves the right to photograph and digitally record students, faculty, staff, and visitors on campus and at University-related activities off campus without compensation. Such media (including stills, video, and audio) may be used for commercial or non-commercial purposes to advance the University. 

Potential uses of the media may include but are not limited to: news coverage, placed advertisements, and University-published digital or print materials such as websites, displays, presentations, brochures, and social media postings. All media produced by OWU or its agents are owned by Ohio Wesleyan University, and students agree to hold OWU harmless for their creation and use. 

Students with questions about involvement in University-produced materials, or who wish to request disuse of their image(s), should contact the Office of University Communications.

Posting and Advertising on Campus

This policy is intended to cover the physical posting of any information in public space on the OWU campus by students.

Any literature posted or placed around campus must conform with the posting requirements below. Posters must be approved to be hung in spaces other than bulletin boards and must be hung with the appropriate tape to avoid damage to paint (i.e.: duct tape and scotch tape are not permitted). Posting on doors in public spaces is not permitted without approval. Exceptions for posting content and locations must be approved by the Student Involvement Office. Approval must be obtained no less than three business days prior to the posting.

This policy also addresses the use of banners and sheets used for advertising.

Posting Requirements

  • Only information directly related to OWU events or meetings and only by members of the OWU community may be posted.
  • Material must include the who, what, where and why information about the event. The University office or student organization name must be on the posted material.

  • Content that is libelous or slanderous toward individuals or organizations, or content that is deemed profane, are prohibited.

  • Content of advertisement may not include mention or advertising of alcohol or alcoholic beverages.

  • Only one piece of literature from each event may be posted per bulletin board.

  • Material may be displayed for 7 calendar days. All advertisements must be taken down and properly disposed of immediately following the event.

  • The organization or host of the posting will be responsible for incurred cost if labor is required for removal of items.

  • Posters cannot be larger than 11” x 17” without prior approval

  • Banners may not exceed a flat twin sheet (66”x96”) without prior approval.

  • Using chalk on campus property must be approved. Chalk may not be used on brick walks, JAYwalk fountain ledges, University buildings, or public property (ie: Delaware city sidewalks).

  • No publicity may hang outside of a window.

  • Political campaign material supporting any federal, state, or local political party, or politician, may not be posted except by registered student organizations. Only material directly pertaining to the events, meetings, etc. may be posted.

  • Credit card and book buy-back promotional materials from outside vendors are prohibited.

  • Posters that compromise the safety of others are not permitted (ie: obscuring windows, posting on doors without approval, or posters on/inside elevators).

Posting in Residential Spaces

  • In large residential communities, postings may only be hung on designated community bulletin boards. Any unapproved postings hung in other areas will be removed. Postings and fliers being placed in other spaces in the residence halls must be approved by Residential Life.

  • Posters, flyers, handbills, notices, and other publicity such as promotions may not be placed under the doors of the residents in residence halls.

  • Door-to-door solicitation is not permitted.

Professional Interaction for University Business

Members of the community must interact with staff and faculty members in a professional, respectful manner. Being verbally or otherwise abusive to faculty and staff will not be tolerated. Abusive behavior includes, but is not limited to, physically threatening conduct, verbal threats, demeaning language, or noncompliance of staff directions.

Property Use

Students are expected to use University property for its intended purpose and may not use a building or University property without permission.  

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Unauthorized, illegal, or fraudulent use of any building or facility (or any part thereof), motor vehicle or other property of Ohio Wesleyan University, including but not limited to the telephone system, mail system, or computer system, or any part thereof.

  • Unauthorized entry or use of roofing, balconies, storage spaces, locked buildings or spaces that require approved access.

  • Trespassing or unauthorized entry upon the property of Ohio Wesleyan University or the property or residences of OWU students, faculty or staff.

  • Forgery, destruction, removal, concealment, alteration, defacing, mutilation, or misuse of Ohio Wesleyan University documents, books, records, or identification cards.

  • Destruction, damage, or defacement of Ohio Wesleyan University property or the property of a member of the University community.

  • Possessing, duplicating or using Ohio Wesleyan University keys without proper authorization by an appropriate University authority.

  • Climbing in and out of windows.

Protest and Demonstrations

It is the goal of the University to support meaningful dialogue about issues of concern. When differences of opinion exist, the University believes that the respectful exchange of ideas between opposing parties can lead to better understanding of those differences and opportunities to learn. The University also acknowledges that individuals will, at times, determine that a demonstration about their views is in order. In accordance with these principles, the University has established these policies and protocols regarding student demonstrations.

Individuals and organizations that are not current OWU students, faculty, or staff members are not permitted to conduct demonstrations or events on campus without the expressed permission of the University president or his/her designee, and must abide by all demonstration or event policies and protocols established by the University for such external individuals or organizations. Any outside demonstrator, presenter, or event also must be hosted by a University sponsored office or organization.

Students have a right to peacefully assemble or demonstrate on campus in a manner that does not disrupt reasonable passage through buildings or walkways or the operation of the University, and in a manner consistent with other policies contained in the Student Handbook. Additionally, students may not conduct an unauthorized “take over” of private or instructional space within the University or spaces that should remain available for the enjoyment of others (e.g. offices, classrooms, lawns).

The University reserves the right to designate the time, place, and manner for demonstrations in order to maintain effective operation of the University. Reasonable efforts will be made to provide demonstrators with an appropriate and effective setting for their expression.

If students attempt to disrupt the operation of the University, occupy private or instructional space, impede reasonable passage, or pose a danger to the safety of themselves or others, the the individuals will be asked to change their conduct, leave the space, or allow reasonable passage. Failure to comply may result in additional steps taken to ensure the University can operate effectively or the safety of participants and others is preserved.

Public sidewalks and public property adjacent to University property are not controlled by the University. As such, decisions to be made about demonstrations on public property are the responsibility of law enforcement units. However, consistent with the Student Handbook, students may be subject to student conduct charges and outcomes for any behavior that violates institutional policies.

Recording, Filming, and Accessing Personal Technology

Recording or filming in any space in which a reasonable person would have an expectation of privacy (e.g., residence hall room, locker room, office, toilet, or shower) is prohibited unless consent is obtained by the individuals who are being recorded or filmed. 

Students should not access other student’s personal technology without permission.  This includes logging into email, computers/laptops, tablets, or other personal devices.


Words or actions taken in response to reporting of a policy violation or participation in the University’s complaint process or the follow up to a complaint. Retaliation will be a violation of this policy when it is sufficiently serious (e.g., severe and/or pervasive) to discourage a reasonable person from accessing their rights under University policy.

The protection against retaliation applies to both parties and to all witnesses.

All persons who believe they have been subjected to retaliation under this policy are encouraged and entitled to seek support, utilize available resources, and come forward with their concern or complaint.

Behavior that may be considered retaliatory includes but is not limited to:

  • Discouraging an individual from reporting an incident;

  • Discouraging witness participation;

  • Threatening or intimidating a participant in a complaint, investigation, and/or resolution process;

  • Intentionally causing negative consequences for a participant in a complaint, investigation, and/or resolution process.


Smoking and Use of Other Tobacco Products

Ohio Revised Code 2927.02 prohibits any person under the age of 21 years of age to purchase tobacco products, therefore, any student under the age of 21 may not be in possession of tobacco products.  Students 21 years of age or older may not purchase tobacco products for others. Tobacco products include:

  • Cigarettes 

  • Electronic smoking devices (vapes, e-cigs, tanks) 

  • Cigars

  • Pipe tobacco

  • Chewing tobacco

  • Snuff

  • Snus

  • Dissolvable nicotine products

  • Filters, rolling papers, pipes, blunts, or hemp wraps

  • Liquids used in electronic smoking devices (whether or not they contain nicotine) 

  • Vapor products (any component, part or additive that is intended for use in an electronic smoking device, a mechanical heating element, battery, or electronic circuit and is used to deliver the product, see ORC 2927.02 for full list)

Tobacco and vapor products do not include any product that is a drug, device, or combination product as those terms are defined or described in 21 U.S.C. 321 and 353(g) – products such as nicotine replacement therapy for use when quitting tobacco.

Smoking is prohibited in all University buildings and areas adjacent to doors and windows (Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3794 – Smoking Ban). University policy defines “smoking” as inhaling, exhaling, or burning tobacco or any other plant, or carrying any lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or other lighted smoking devices (e.g., hookahs) used for burning tobacco or any other plant. Use of electronic cigarettes (also known as vaporizers, e cigarettes, electronic nicotine delivery systems, and other terms) is also included and may not be used in any University property.

Individuals may possess electronic cigarettes, tobacco and tobacco smoking paraphernalia, including but not limited to rolling papers or pipes, including hookah pipes. Paraphernalia that has been used to deliver illegal substances is prohibited.

If you choose to smoke tobacco outdoors, OWU policy prohibits smoking in any area of campus where secondhand smoke may enter a University building or reach individuals who do not want to be exposed to it.


A course of conduct, including electronic, verbal, or physical action, that is repetitive and menacing directed at a specific person that is unwelcome, and would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress.

Substantial Emotional Distress

Under VAWA regulations, substantial emotional distress is defined as significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.

Student ID and Other Forms of Identification​

University ID’s are issued for identification on campus, admission to dining facilities, entrance to residence halls/houses and as a debit card at certain locations including some vending machines. The card is valid for the entire time a student is enrolled at the University. It is not transferable. Students may not allow other students to use their card. Students must produce identification upon request and may not refuse to identify oneself to University officials acting in their capacity.

Other Forms of I.D.s

No person shall be in possession of a fictitious ID or fraudulent ID. No one shall possess any person’s identity other than their own for any purpose that is fraudulent or in a manner that is in violation of state or federal laws.

Possessing or furnishing false information to Ohio Wesleyan University, or to individuals acting on its behalf in matters relating to admission, registration, student status, housing, grades, academics, financial aid, or investigation, or prosecution of other alleged violations of law and University policies will be a violation of this policy.

Student Run Businesses

A business will be defined as providing services for financial gain and/or income. University-owned spaces, resources, and networks may not be utilized to host services for a business purpose without approval from the Dean of Students office.  Upon receipt of a request to operate a business, the Dean of Students office will consult with other University personnel to review the request.  

Individuals or groups, including students, interested in managing a personal business should initiate a process for a space through the Delaware Entrepreneurial Center.

Student Sponsored Events

Events hosted by recognized student clubs, organizations, and/or other formal student University programs (ie: Small Living Units, House of Black Culture, Honors House, etc) must be registered through the Student Involvement Office. Hosts of events are responsible for knowing the process to register an event and the policies that are applicable to their event.

Events may not be held during academic breaks, reading days, or finals periods. All events must be approved by the Student Involvement Office and the University reserves the right to reject an event if it poses a risk for disruption to the OWU community or local residents.

Events that require a contract with a vendor must be approved by the Student Involvement Office. Student organizations may not sign contracts on behalf of the University. Advisors are not a designated authority to sign contracts for events.


No person shall remove or use the property of another without permission.  No person shall knowingly receive or possess stolen property.

Signs for which proof of ownership cannot be established (i.e., traffic, realty, or business signs) are not permitted.

University Entrance to Rooms

​​As a private institution, Ohio Wesleyan University has the right to enter any University space, including residential rooms, to address maintenance concerns, conduct health and safety checks, and initiate room searches. Rooms will be searched only with reasonable cause, and the occupant(s) will be informed of the reason for any room search.

Ohio Wesleyan respects students’ right to privacy in their living unit and University officials will enter rooms and/or suites without permission of the residents for a limited range of reasons. These include safety emergencies, previously announced health and safety inspections, and searches to enforce University policy. 

Completing a work request for maintenance personnel to repair something in a room/suite/apartment constitutes permission on the part of the resident for university personnel to enter the resident’s space to complete the work request. 

Safety Emergencies

University officials will enter rooms and/or suites for the safety and security of individuals who might be in the units but not responding, to locate and repair equipment necessary for protecting against fire safety, and other hazards to protect personal and University property.   Whenever practical, the inspection will be conducted in the presence of the resident(s) of the room or suite. Officials will enter rooms and/or suites when residents are not present only when there is a reasonable likelihood that safety issues exist and need to be addressed immediately. It will be documented and referred to the Office of Student Integrity and Community Standards if policy violations are in plain view and visible to the staff person. The University reserves the authority to remove illegal or unauthorized items that are found during inspections. Confiscated items, that are not illegal, may be retrieved from Residential Life or Public Safety.

Health and Safety Inspections

Health and Safety Inspections will be conducted during breaks and after semesters.   Students will be given advance notice for these inspections. Routine inspections do not involve searches for policy violations, however, it will be documented and referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards if policy violations are in plain view and visible to the staff person conducting the inspection.  The University reserves the authority to remove illegal or unauthorized items that are found during inspections. Please note that during safety inspections between semesters, University officials will open refrigerators to remove any perishables left behind as refrigerators are to be unplugged and defrosted during winter break.


Room searches are likely to occur if/when:

  • A clear indication that Student Handbook policies or health and safety regulations are being violated (i.e.: smoking in the room, plain view sight or other evidence of illegal drugs, tampering with fire safety equipment in addition to other signs that substance use may be occurring).  

  • An emergency that makes it necessary for a staff member to search a room for a particular item, such as an item that may be used to harm self or others.

The search may proceed after a resident of the room has given permission to search.  The agreement to the search will grant permission to explore the entire room and/or suite. If permission is not granted, the search may proceed only after the probable cause, the place to be searched, and the things to be seized have been described to designated University staff and such person has granted permission based upon the information provided.  Once permission to search has been granted, the search may be conducted anywhere in the room or suite where the evidence might reasonably be found. Whenever practical, the search will be conducted in the presence of the resident(s) of the room or suite. Non-residents will be asked to leave at the discretion of the staff person conducting the search.

All areas of the room as well as personal belongings are subject to search.   

Any illegal items or items in violation of the Student Handbook may be confiscated; Delaware Police Department will be contacted as appropriate.

Photographs may be taken during the search or of the items that are University policy violations.

The University reserves the authority to remove illegal or unauthorized items that are found during authorized searches.

Use of Syringes

Students who have a medical condition which requires the use of syringes/needles must dispose of these materials properly. Needles must be placed in puncture-proof containers prior to disposal. This is required for the protection of our entire community, especially the cleaning staff. If a student’s used needle does break the skin of another individual, the individual may need to undergo a series of tests in order to best protect their own future health.

Violation of Local, State and/or Federal Laws

Conduct that would constitute a violation of any local, state, and/or federal law.

Weapons and Explosives

Weapons, including all martial arts weapons, brass knuckles, knives (other than small pocket knives), slingshots, explosives (including fireworks of any kind), and firearms (which include BB guns, paintball guns, pellet guns, stun guns, and air guns) are prohibited at Ohio Wesleyan University.  The only exception to this policy, pursuant to State Bill 199, is that an individual who has a license to conceal carry in Ohio may store a handgun and munitions in a locked motor vehicle in a campus parking lot, or be in the immediate process of placing a handgun inside a locked motor vehicle in a campus parking lot. Such firearms and munitions must remain inside the vehicle at all times.  Any student found to possess a weapon in a manner that does not comply with this policy may have the weapon confiscated and will be referred to the Student Conduct System.  The University may also call for a local law enforcement response if the potential threat to others is unknown.

Items that can be reasonably perceived to be a real weapon (i.e.: replicas of a firearm) are prohibited.

Students involved with gun club activities, such as skeet shooting, and with hunting or other related activities must store their guns at an off-campus facility.  Paint ball guns and their cartridges are not allowed on campus.

Students are encouraged to report to Public Safety the presence of any weapons on campus.