Here you will find the different positions within WCSA that full-time OWU students in good standing with the university are eligible to run for.


The President shall be the chief executive of the student body and leader of the Executive Cabinet.

*The President, together with the Vice President, shall be chosen by the student body.

*The President shall administer and enforce all statutes of the student body.

*The President shall, with the advice and consent of the Full Senate, appoint Cabinet members and make appointments established by statute; but the Full Senate may vest by statute the appointment of such officers and members in the President alone as they think proper.

*The President shall convene the Full Senate to meet at a set time and place on twenty-four hours notice, provided that the purpose for such action shall be urgent.

*The President shall, with the advice and consent of the Vice President, prepare the legislative and executive program for their administration for the consideration of the Full Senate.

*The President shall, from time to time, present a report on the state of the student body to the student body through the Full Senate. 

*The President, together with the Vice President, will serve as representatives of the student body on the Archway committee of the University Administration.

WCSA Advisor/Election Commissions Chair:

Brad Pulcini; Dean of Student Services