OWU Conventional Wisdom

OWU MagazineApril 26, 2016

Ohio Wesleyan's Mock Convention Has Brought Real Politics and Debate to Campus for More Than a Century During a cold two days in February, Gray Chapel…

U.S. Professor of the Year Award

OWU MagazineApril 26, 2016

Dr. Laurie Anderson is the second OWU professor to earn the prestigious Ohio Professor of the Year honor. Zoology Professor Edward H. “Jed” Burtt Jr.,…

Breaking Boundaries

OWU MagazineApril 26, 2016

Biology Professor Laurie Anderson is on a quest to solve 21st-century problems, and her students are part of the solution. “When I first got the actual…

Parents Find OWU Welcoming

OWU MagazineApril 25, 2016

Lauren Heaney ’18 and her father Steve first visited Ohio Wesleyan on an orientation trip, flying in from their home in Los Angeles in 2013. The trip was…

Civic – and Civil – Engagement

OWU MagazineApril 25, 2016

In February Ohio Wesleyan students, faculty, and staff gathered in Gray Chapel to continue a tradition that originated on this campus in 1884: Mock Convention…

‘OWU Really Let Me Shine'

Feature StoryApril 22, 2016

Senior to Share Final Week at OWU on Snapchat “Don't resist change just because it is different. Face things without resistance, and you will be surprised…