‘Fatherly’ Advice

Feature StorySeptember 23, 2010

Jared Haas ’11 speaks with OWU alumnus Byron Pitts ’82 by videoconference as part of a senior seminar. Pitts, CBS News chief national correspondent…

Serving the Community Together

Feature StorySeptember 23, 2010

The flood that devastated the Mid-South killed 19 people in the Nashville area on May 4, 2010. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons) Chi Phi Fraternity…

A Healthy Undertaking

Feature StorySeptember 23, 2010

As part of the Healthy Bishop Initiative, the fitness center at Stuyvesant Hall is open for more hours each day. (Photo courtesy of OWU’s Office of Marketing…

Lee Harrell

September 16, 2010

Lee Harrell. (Photo courtesy of OWU’s Office of Marketing and Communication) Lee Harrell provides “last-minute” financial aid advice on SmartMoney…

OWU’s Data Guru

Feature StorySeptember 16, 2010

The compilation, analysis, and presentation of data about Ohio Wesleyan University are important tools used for strategic planning by many people inside…