Travel-Learning Course, ‘Introduction to French Literature’
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Ohio Wesleyan students traveled to France in May to study French literature, history, and culture as part of a Travel-Learning Course that included a semester in the classroom. (Photo courtesy of Caroline Anderson ’17)
Caroline Anderson ’17
Name: Caroline Anderson ’17
Major: Pre-Professional Zoology
Minor: Chemistry
Hometown: Vienna, Virginia
Experience: Travel-Learning Course, “Introduction To French Literature”
For one week in May, Anderson and classmates traveled to Paris, Versailles, and the walled city of Provins with Ana Oancea, Ph.D., assistant professor modern foreign languages, to study French literature, history, and culture as a way to enhance their semester-long classroom discussion of literary masterpieces from the medieval to the modern.
Lessons Learned: “Taking a Travel-Learning Course gave me a chance to connect the world with the classroom. While walking through the Panthéon, the final resting place of many celebrated French authors, I understood the cultural pride of great French literature. My favorite moment was at the top of Nôtre Dame, when I was able to appreciate its description from a Victor Hugo reading while taking in the breathtaking view.
“I chose OWU because I was looking for a small liberal arts college with a comprehensive zoology program and the opportunity to pursue my love of language. At OWU, I found both. I am pleased to be able to continue exploring topics in French while taking the requisite courses for my major.
“I am so grateful to have been a part of this experience and to have shared it with an amazing group of students and professors.”