April 19, 2022 | By Ohio Wesleyan University

A group of Ohio Wesleyan students and alumni participate in an iron pour April 15 at Haycock Hall, OWU’s 3D arts building. (Photo by John Hulkenberg)

Pour It On

Ohio Wesleyan Rushes Toward Semester's End with Opportunities, Accomplishments

Bishops are pouring it on with energy and excitement as they work to complete a successful spring semester and 2021-2022 academic year.

Recent events include a Department of Fine Arts iron pour held at Haycock Hall under the supervision of sculpture professor Jon Quick. Metal used to create the castings must be heated to more than 2,100 degrees in order to be poured.

In addition to the April 15 iron pour, this edition of “Images of OWU” also includes photos taken during Greek Week celebrations; the senior class commencement speaker announcement featuring caricature artist Paul Rehg; and the lecture from groundbreaking poet Charles Bernstein, who received an honorary degree during his public reading.

On a more serious note, the images also include a student-led candlelight vigil to support Ukraine. The March vigil was organized by Horizons International to bring the campus together in recognition of the deadly war.

Iron Pour

Iron Pour

April 15, 2022 | Photos by John Hulkenberg

2022 Greek Week

April 4-8, 2022 | Photos by John Hulkenberg and James DeCamp

2022 Commencement Speaker Announcement

Senior Commencement Announcement

March 30, 2022 | Photos by James DeCamp

Charles Bernstein Reading, Receiving Honorary Degree

Reading and Honorary Degree Recipient Ceremony: Charles Bernstein

March 29, 2022 | Photos by Paul Vernon

Candlelight Vigil for Ukraine

Candelight Vigil for Ukraine

March 2, 2022 | Photos by Lisa Ho and Sai Suresh Kannan ’24