Feature Story

September 9, 2010 | By Ericka Kurtz

OWU Welcomes the Class of 2014

Relaxing and enjoying the food and new friendships at the late afternoon picnic following Convocation on August 19. Photo by Sara Tincher

“[The Class of 2014 has] what I can best describe as a hungry enthusiasm about what’s in store for them at OWU, and a restless eagerness to engage in and contribute to our community,” says Assistant Vice President of Admission and Financial Aid Carol DelPropost. “Their strong academic profile—one of the highest in recent years—indicates their readiness for OWU’s rigorous programs and for intellectual growth. Many have had AP and IB classes; a number have taken college courses during their senior year; others have participated in writing workshops, internships, and summer experiences on college campuses. It’s been a great experience to get to know students in the Class of 2014. They have exceptional energy, some astonishing life experiences, and many talents.”

The Class of 2014 is 575 members strong, including 505 first-time U.S. freshmen, 50 international students, and 20 transfer students. They come from 36 states, with 44.5 percent Ohio students and a large representation from California, Massachusetts, Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania. The new students also hail from 23 countries including Vietnam, Pakistan, India, South Korea, Thailand, China, Ghana, Nepal, and Philippines. Economics/Economics Management, Psychology, Education, and Biology top their lists of intended majors.

Other facts about the Class of 2014 include:

56.8% female; 43.2% male 15.1% U.S. multicultural and 9% international 37% were in the top 10% of their high school class 13.8 % of students have a parent, grandparent, or other relative who graduated from OWU

DelPropost credits the energy and enthusiasm on campus as contributing to the quality of the Class of 2014. “We have strong commitment from current students, faculty, and administrators to meet with prospective students or otherwise connect with them,” she says. DelPropost adds that new and strengthened initiatives such as the Sagan Fellows courses and Theory-to-Practice study-travel options, as well as opportunities for honors tutorials and seminars helped attract the new students.

“And as always, dedicated admission and financial aid staff, with renewed focus on building relationships with students and parents, staying with them throughout the process, helping them understand the programs and opportunities for them at OWU and the value of an OWU education, are critical to our securing a strong class.”