Feature Story

August 30, 2012 | By Cole Hatcher

OWU associate professor of accounting Don Tecklenburg is the new president of the Board of Directors for the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company. (Photo courtesy of OWU’s Office of Marketing and Communication)

OWU Faculty Member Adds New Title

OWU associate professor of accounting Don Tecklenburg is the new president of the Board of Directors for the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company. (Photo courtesy of OWU’s Office of Marketing and Communication)

“What’s in a name?” asks William Shakespeare. “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

For Ohio Wesleyan University’s Don Tecklenburg, what’s in a name is a new title—a merry moniker bestowed upon the OWU associate professor of accounting over the summer.

In July, Tecklenburg became president of the Board of Directors for the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company, a professional theater company now celebrating its 19th season.

“This is one of the finest Shakespeare companies in the nation,” says Tecklenburg, a longtime patron and sponsor of the theater. He joined the Board of Directors two years ago and will serve a one-year term as president.

As a professor, Tecklenburg says, he’s excited that the company is involved in educational outreach, including traveling to schools to perform and teach. He’s also proud that before the company begins its 20th season, it will have performed all of the Bard’s plays—a feat accomplished by few, if any, other U.S. companies.

Though Tecklenburg joined the Ohio Wesleyan faculty in 2006, he still lives in the Cincinnati area and even worked previously for its Major League Baseball team, the Cincinnati Reds.

At OWU, Tecklenburg is the Homer E. White Foundation Associate Professor of Accounting. He teaches accounting courses that deal with cost and managerial accounting, accounting systems, and auditing.