Overseas Adventures
Ohio Wesleyan Student Spends Semester Studying in Copenhagen, London

Name: Annabel Benes ’24
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Major: Environmental Science
Minor: Business
High School: St. Mary’s Academy
OWU Connection Experience: Semester abroad in Copenhagen and London
Benes is spending fall semester studying overseas in Denmark and England through the Open Campus Block Program offered by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE). The program allows students to study in up to three countries during their semester away.
Why I Chose this Experience
“I chose this study abroad experience for a couple of reasons, one of which was that I could live in up to three places. This open campus block idea means that every six weeks I could move and experience a different place and culture. I decided to only live in two places. I started my experience in Copenhagen, Denmark, and will end my study abroad experience in London, England.
“Another reason I chose this program was because I could apply for extra scholarships that reduced my payment for the program. Lastly, I chose this program because of the structure of courses. I take two courses every six weeks. ...
“Overall, I chose this program because of the amazing opportunities that I could have by exploring and living in various places.”
My Favorite Moment
“My favorite experience in Copenhagen would be my program trip to Ribe, a small town in Southern Jutland in Denmark. This town holds a lot of history because it is the first town to be created in Denmark.
“As a program, we also went wading in the water and looked for little sea creatures. This whole trip was so amazing to be able to see a place that holds so much history and to get away from the hustle of the big, beautiful city of Copenhagen.”
Lessons Learned
“Since being abroad I have learned a lot about myself and how to be more independent. Some of the simplest things now seemed to be a learning lesson – like cooking and what needs to be refrigerated. I also learned that traveling takes a lot of time, energy, and money.
“I have also been confronted with struggles that I have overcome such as eating by myself in restaurants and in my dorm, the time difference between my family and friends, and feeling like you're missing out on others’ daily lives back home.
“Overall, it made me grow in ways I didn’t expect. I am so grateful for this opportunity, and I suggest that everyone tries to study abroad at some point.”
Why I Chose OWU
“I chose OWU for many reasons, one of which was because of the liberal arts education that I was looking for in a college and what it provides me with. This includes academic support and accessibility, club and organization opportunities, and study abroad opportunities.
“OWU has been a great fit for me and I am very happy with my decision to come here.”
My Plans After Graduation
“I am hoping to get a job after and think about graduate school a little bit later on down the road. I am looking into environmental consulting, business opportunities, or even some travel planning opportunities.
“I also want to go back to my home state of Colorado to get a job and begin to build my life after graduating.”