Feature Story

March 31, 2011 | By Linda O’Horo

Opportunities at Ohio Wesleyan University to Help Japan

A U.S. military physician examines a Japanese woman who broke her arm during the tsunami at an emergency shelter established at a school. (Photo courtesy of the U.S. Navy)

This week, March 28-April 1, is Harumasuri, or Japan Spring Celebration Week, on the OWU campus. The event includes fund-raisers to benefit Japan relief efforts. Here are the Harumasuri highlights for Friday, April 1:

Noon-1:30 p.m.Fund-raising Luncheon for American Red Cross Assistance in Japan
Benes Rooms, Hamilton-Williams Campus Center
Featuring Japanese food and presentations by OWU’s four Japanese students, in the Benes Rooms in Hamilton-Williams Campus Center. The cost is $5, or equivalent student food points, and additional donations will be accepted.

5 to 7:30 p.m. – Sakura Party
Benes Rooms, Hamilton-Williams Campus Center
Including a sword demonstration, a Sakura (Japanese cherry tree) planting ceremony, karaoke, and games, in the Benes Rooms in Hamilton-Williams Campus Center.

8:30 p.m. Dance Party Benefit for Japan
Welch Hall Dining Room

Learn more about the impact of the Japan earthquake and tsunami on the Ohio Wesleyan Community.