Ohio Wesleyan Student Named International Finalist in Project Green Challenge
Senior Reilly Reynolds Headed to California for Conscious Living Competition
Delaware, Ohio – Ohio Wesleyan University senior Reilly Reynolds is one 14 finalists in the international Project Green Challenge, a 30-day eco lifestyle competition that seeks to inspire high school and college students to transition from conventional to conscious living.
As a finalist, Reynolds, a management economics major and Spanish minor from North Olmsted, Ohio, will travel to San Francisco this month to compete for the title of Project Green Challenge 2015 Champion. The Bay Area nonprofit Turning Green has hosted the global competition for the past five years.
This year, 3,864 students took part in the challenge, representing all 50 states, 29 countries, and 422 college campuses worldwide. During the month of October, all of the student-participants performed rigorous daily sustainability-related challenges.
At the upcoming three-day eco-summit, the 14 finalists will interact with esteemed environmental leaders, present experiences from their 30-day challenge, and collaborate to create innovative platforms for social action.
Reynolds is the moderator of OWU’s Tree House, a Small Living Unit (SLU) dedicated to environmental issues. She learned about the Project Green Challenge two days before it began while conducting research for a class project. Reynolds says was inspired to sign up after researching Turning Green’s efforts across the globe.
“To say that I learned a lot this month is not even the tip of the iceberg,” she says of the October experience. “In some very important ways, I’ve transformed. I’ve started looking deliberately at my actions and noting ways in which I can be the change, even if it will take time and sacrifices.”
The most inspiring aspect of the challenge for her has been witnessing the impactful efforts of her fellow contestants. She looks forward to making friends and connections through the challenge.
“As a human being in an imperfect world, there will always be more to learn and do. The steps I can take to be more conscious don’t end after this month,” Reynolds says. “Project Green Challenge was a definite step in the right direction, and now it is my responsibility as an environmentalist to keep moving myself and those around me toward a better world.”
After graduation, Reynolds hopes to pursue urban farming and eventually own a farm-to-table organic restaurant.
To learn more, read the Ecowatch.com article, “14 Passionate Young Leaders Inspiring a Just and Thriving Planet” or visit projectgreenchallenge.com.
Founded in 1842, Ohio Wesleyan University is one of the nation’s premier liberal arts universities. Located in Delaware, Ohio, the private university offers 87 undergraduate majors and competes in 23 NCAA Division III varsity sports. Ohio Wesleyan combines a challenging, internationally focused curriculum with off-campus learning and leadership opportunities to connect classroom theory with real-world experience. OWU’s 1,675 students represent 43 U.S. states and territories and 33 countries. Ohio Wesleyan is featured in the book “Colleges That Change Lives,” listed on the latest President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll with Distinction, and included in the U.S. News & World Report and Princeton Review “best colleges” lists. Learn more at www.owu.edu.