Feature Story

November 1, 2011 | By Gretchen Hirsch

New Equipment Means Healthier Bishops

WCSA issued the challenge. The President’s Circle answered it, and now nine new pieces of cardiovascular fitness equipment await the OWU community at the Edwards Gym weight room and the Belt Fitness Center.

WCSA challenged other donors to fund $25,000 of the $50,000 purchase price for the equipment; if the challenge was met, WCSA would provide the remainder. The President’s Circle stepped up with the matching funds. And now all of us can step up on:

Two Octane Pro4700 elliptical machines and two Life Fitness treadmills, newly installed in weight room. Three Life Fitness treadmills and two Octane Pro4700 elliptical machines (all with attached HDTVs to make workout time fly by) in the Belt Fitness Center in Welch Hall.

WCSA President Sharif Kronemer stated: “I am proud to be at a University that not only listens to the concerns of its students, but also responds in a way that makes a real difference! The $25,000 Challenge is a great example of a mutual partnership established upon the desire to improve the student experience.”

“Kudos and thanks to both organizations for seeing the need to replace outdated equipment,” said OWU President Rock Jones. “These additional machines increase opportunities for the OWU community to enjoy the benefits of improved cardiovascular health and the fun of becoming fit together.”

On Tuesday, November 8, at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m., two open training sessions conducted by our fitness equipment sales representative will show students how to get the most out of their workouts by taking advantage of the many advanced features of this state-of-the-art equipment.