October 10, 2013 | By Ohio Wesleyan University

Mike Kubinski ’02 and more…

Ohio Wesleyan students, faculty, staff, and alumni make headlines every day with their expertise and accomplishments. Here are a few of the latest highlights…

Mike Kubinski ’02

Mike Kubinski ’02

“In 2008, Mike Kubinski started selling CLE Clothing online with partner Jeff Rees,” Plain Dealer reporter Grant Segall writes. “Now, without borrowing a dime, they’ve got a CLE store on East Fourth and Native-Cleveland in Waterloo.” The OWU former football player talks about how he’s scored in a retail career.

Read the full Plain Dealer article, “Mike Kubinski of CLE Clothing Co. thinks our town fits him to a tee.”



Brian Rellinger

Brian Rellinger

Ohio Wesleyan’s Chief Information Officer publishes his insights into online technologies and their potential use in classrooms on EDUCAUSE.edu. EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association committed to advancing higher education through the use of information technology. In his report, Rellinger says, “Students now bring three to four wireless devices to campus, challenging universities to embrace these devices and use them to support the academic mission. … We have found that our faculty are already doing amazing things with technology. It is our job to assist them, spread the success stories, and monitor the landscape to bring new ideas to campus.”

Read Rellinger’s complete EDUCAUSE report, “Online Technologies Enhance the Liberal Arts Learning Experience.”



Joyce Bohyer Hildebrand ’50

Retired teacher Joyce Hildebrand is inducted into the London (Ohio) High School Academic Hall of Fame. Hildebrand taught speech, drama, English and government at the school for 25 years, and she co-founded the London School-Community Theater.

Read the full Madison Press article, “Hildebrand to be honored.”



Sean Kay

Sean Kay

OWU politics and government professor Sean Kay discusses the impact of the government shutdown on President Barack Obama’s outreach efforts in Asia with Bloomberg News. Kay, Ph.D., a global security expert, also is the coordinator of OWU’s International Studies Program and director of the Arneson Institute for Practical Politics and Public Affairs.

Read the full Bloomberg News article, “Obama Asia Focus Hurt by Politics of Shutdown to Mideast.”



William E. Strasburg ’50

William E. Strasburg ’50

A recent newspaper article describes William E. Strasburg as a “[w]ar hero, international correspondent, successful businessman, philanthropist.” And the former president of OWU’s student body now can be described as a Hall of Fame inductee.

Read the full Montgomery News article, “Montgomery County Community College honors former Montgomery Publishing Company president with Hall of Fame induction.”



Robert J. Hanna ’81

Robert J. Hanna ’81

Robert J. Hanna, a lawyer specializing in commercial litigation, is named one of The Best Lawyers in America® for 2014, according to his employer, Tucker Ellis LLP. The law firm has offices in Cleveland, Columbus, Denver, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

Read the full announcement.