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Ohio Wesleyan Students Attend 2024 WECode Conference at Harvard
Name: Anin Nair '26 Hometown: Mumbai, India High School: Royal Junior College Majors: Computer Science and Data Analytics Minor: Dance OWU Connection Experience: Attending the 2024 WECode (Women Engineers Code) conference at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Nair learned of the two-day conference through a LinkedIn connection who served as the event's programming director. She attended the Feb. 17-18 event with OWU students Lily Rekow '26 of Columbus, Ohio; Sanya Sapra '24 of Chandigarh, India; and Kennedy Watkins '25 of Blacklick, Ohio.
"Attending WECode was essential for me as it represents the world's largest gathering for women in technology. This opportunity allowed me to immerse myself in a supportive community, gain insights from industry leaders, and foster connections with like-minded individuals."
My Favorite Moment
"My favorite moment was meeting peers from other universities and organizations who were attending the conference! It was incredible to exchange experiences and form connections with such a diverse group of individuals who share a passion for technology. This interaction not only expanded my network but also provided me with invaluable perspectives for my own journey in the tech industry."
Lessons Learned
"Interacting with professionals and peers from diverse backgrounds reaffirmed my commitment to pursuing a career in tech and provided me with a broader perspective on the industry's possibilities.
"I was also able to meet and interact with startup founders and members from other organizations that worked for the cause I'm interested in.
"Experiences like this matter because they offer opportunities for personal growth, networking, and exposure to different perspectives, all of which are essential for success in today's interconnected and rapidly evolving world."
My Campus Involvements
"I'm the president and founder of the Computer Science (CS) & Programming Club at OWU and serve on the Math and CS Departmental Board. I'm also the co-President for the Campus Programming Board and the Women in Science Club."
Why I Chose Ohio Wesleyan?
"I chose to enroll at OWU after being awarded a full tuition scholarship, (and also) due to the Career Connection program and the university's small size!"
My Plans After Graduation
"I'm interested in venturing into the climate tech/cleantech industry."