Feature Story

March 28, 2012 | By Ohio Wesleyan University

Do It Yourself (DIY) Food Workshop Set for OWU Students

Del Sroufe

Making healthy food is easier and more fun than most students think.

To encourage social Do-It-Yourself cooking on campus, with an emphasis on healthy eating, a free hands-on DIY Food Workshop for Ohio Wesleyan students will be held from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. April 6 in the Smith Hall Dining Room.

Del Sroufe, an experienced and entertaining chef and educator from Wellness Forum Foods in Columbus, will lead the workshop. Assisting Sroufe will be a few culinary talents from among OWU’s faculty: Ellen Arnold (History), Jeremy Baskes (History), Patricia DeMarco (English), and David Walker (Geology & Geography).

Participants will learn basic cooking skills and healthy DIY food options, with an emphasis on interaction and engagement. Students also will learn how to acquire ingredients on campus using their food points, and where kitchen facilities are available.

The event will end with a meal, consisting of foods prepared by student participants in the workshop. The menu for the event includes a soup or stew, a stir fry, pasta, pizza, and a dessert.

Please RSVP to associate professor John Krygier’s StAP assistant Michelle Lee (mjlee@owu.edu) by April 2.

The organizers plan to offer similar food workshops in the future, focusing on cooking foods from different cultures, cooking with organic local and regional foods, etc. If you are interested in organizing such an event, contact Krygier.

The workshop is sponsored by the Dean of Academic Affairs, the Food Course Connection, Chartwells, the Healthy Bishop Initiative, and the Department of Geology & Geography.

The workshop is the outcome of sophomore Olivia Gillison’s course project for Krygier’s Geography 360: Environmental Geography Seminar.