Feature Story

November 4, 2010 | By Linda O’Horo

Ching-Hsuan Wu

Ohio Wesleyan’s first full-time professor for Mandarin Chinese is Ching-Hsuan Wu. (Photo by Linda O’Horo)

This semester Ohio Wesleyan has its first full-time faculty member teaching Mandarin Chinese.

“I’m very, very happy to be here at Ohio Wesleyan,” says Ching-Hsuan Wu, an assistant professor in Modern Foreign Languages Department.

Ching-Hsuan (pronounced TING SCHRIN), a native of Taipei, Taiwan, teaches Chinese I and II classes, along with Chinese culture classes. She hopes to be able to offer a level III class in the future and, ultimately, to provide an opportunity for OWU students to major or minor in Chinese.

“The students at OWU are very friendly and respectful,” she says. “Students here are enthusiastic about learning, and they take their studies seriously.”

Wu earned a bachelor’s degree in foreign languages and literature from National Sun Yat-Sen University in Taiwan. She earned her master’s degree in teaching English to the speakers of other languages and in Japanese pedagogy and her doctoral degree in foreign and second language education—both from The Ohio State University. Before coming to OWU, she taught at Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts; National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei; and at Ohio State.

She says she loves living in the United States because “the people are very generous and very friendly. Their minds are open, and they are understanding of others.”

She and her husband, Jeff Joo, live near Worthington with their 1-year-old daughter, Hera. Wu’s other interests include playing basketball, golfing, and watching movies.

Learn more about the OWU Chinese program.