Feature Story

September 30, 2010 | By Linda O’Horo

Bike Movement Gears Up

The Bike Movement is an environmentally safe, healthy alternative for transportation, says coordinator Christina Fesz ’12. (Photo by Linda O’Horo)

Ohio Wesleyan University students are encouraged to join the Bike Movement and utilize “Bishop Bikes” instead of motorized vehicles to get around campus and the community.

“About half of our bikes are currently undergoing routine tune-ups and repairs,” says Christina Fesz ’12, Bike Movement coordinator and a resident of the Tree House.

Twenty bikes were purchased last year with donations from WCSA (Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs). Students pay $5 per semester to belong to the Bike Movement. In return, they get a key that unlocks the black bikes sporting yellow Bishop Bike stickers.

“We hope to purchase more bikes and bike racks, which are needed in more places throughout campus,” Fesz says.

In addition to being more environmentally friendly than cars, “bikes are a lot more convenient,” Fesz says. “You don’t need to worry about finding a parking space. Cars are not necessary for short rides. Bikes offer a simple alternative that can help the environment.”

Late this semester, the bikes will be collected and stored during the harshest winter months. When the weather breaks in the spring, signups will resume for the Bike Movement.

Students can sign up for bikes at the OWU Public Safety Department on the first floor of Smith Hall.