Feature Story

December 13, 2012 | By Karson Stevenson ’16

Checking out the P.H.A.T. information table. (Photo by Karson Stevenson ’16)

Avoid Fat with P.H.A.T.

Checking out the P.H.A.T. information table. (Photo by Karson Stevenson ’16)

When one of my field hockey teammates recommended that I join the P.H.A.T club I was slightly taken aback. What kind of club could be named P.H.A.T? Was she subtly trying to tell me something? In order to alleviate some of my confusion, I looked into it further and was pleasantly surprised by what I found.

This club—the Peer Health Advocate Team—is focused on the promotion of healthy habits here on campus, from creating the “Toilet Talks” that are conveniently located in the bathroom stalls with small facts about how to stay healthy, to the annual P.H.A.T dinner which offers students a delicious, nutritious meal with the recommended serving sizes. Seeing the great work that P.H.A.T does for the school, I signed up right away. And just in time, for the sixth annual P.H.A.T dinner was right around the corner.

This year’s dinner was on November 28 in the Benes Room at the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center. The menu consisted of a salad, green beans, Moroccan Chicken with Cous Cous, a vegetarian pasta option and an apple cake for dessert. Guest speaker, Dr. Andrew Bush, gave an informative presentation on the crucial process of building muscles and working out in a healthy, productive manner. Many of today’s workouts lack some of the essential components of dynamic movements that are needed to get the best possible workout for one’s body. The second speaker, Dr. Bill Bowe, then gave his presentation on supplements and their benefits (or, in some cases, lack thereof). Students and faculty in attendance were enlightened on methods they should use to improve their lives through the application of some relatively simple facts, like how fish oil supplements are undeniably one of the best things for anybody, and that a strong core can be formed through techniques other than crunches.

P.H.A.T has proven that it is a serious club, inspired to help keep the OWU campus as healthy and thriving a community as possible.