Feature Story

September 16, 2010 | By Kristen Lear ’11

A Summer of Hands-on Research

Each fall, OWU students share the results of their intensive summer research projects at the Patricia Belt Conrades Summer Science Research Symposium. The 2010 Symposium will be held at noon on September 20 in the atrium of the Schimmel/Conrades Science Center. (Photo by Jeff Bates)

What do bat houses, diarrhea, HIV counseling, and global immigration all have in common? They will all be topics presented by Ohio Wesleyan students at the 2010 Patricia Belt Conrades Summer Science Research Symposium on September 20. The Symposium, which will be held in the Atrium of the Schimmel/Conrades Science Center from noon to 1 p.m., will feature the on- and off-campus summer research of 35 OWU students. Several of these students received OWU Theory-to-Practice grants and will be presenting the research that resulted from these grant opportunities.

Jack Schemenauer ’11 will present the results of his summer work at OWU in his poster “Immigrantification: Global Immigration and Landscape Changes—Somali and Latino Immigrants and the Revitalization of Columbus Neighborhoods.” Sean Williams ’11 also received a Theory-to-Practice grant enabling him to spend the summer in Costa Rica collecting data for his senior Honors thesis in zoology. He will present his poster “Glare as a Selection Pressure on Bill Color in Temperate and Neotropical Birds.” Students will be standing close by to answer questions about their summer research projects.

“Science cannot be learned solely from a book. Science must be experienced through research, and at OWU, we encourage students to plunge in, preparing them to be successful researchers both at OWU and at other universities,” says Professor Laura Tuhela-Reuning, coordinator of OWU’s Summer Science Research Program.

Visit the Summer Science Research Program Web site for more information.

And make sure to come to the Science Center on Monday to show your support of these students and their hard work!