The State of the Woman

What does it mean to be a woman in politics in 2024? While strides have been made in recent decades towards gender equality, women in politics remain underrepresented in leadership roles and continue to encounter unique obstacles that demand attention and action. This resilience enables them to navigate setbacks, overcome hurdles, and contribute to lasting change.

The State of the Woman discussion reflects a broader understanding of the interconnectedness of societal well-being—and the recognition that governance is not only representative but also responsive to the varied needs and aspirations of ALL citizens.

Our fearless panel will examine hot button issues and how the political parties frame them to women voters; discuss the upcoming election; and address how the challenges and obstacles they encounter, including gender bias and stereotyping, can serve as powerful motivators to persist in their professional roles.


Christy George ('07) – Executive Director, Democratic Convention Host Committee Chicago, Chicago, IL

Kimberly McConville ('89) – Executive Director, Ohio Beverage Association, Columbus, OH

Veronica Pollock ('01) - Vice President, The Daschle Group, LLC, Washington, D.C.

Moderator: Victoria Gresh ('88) – Executive Director, Ohio Assisted Living Association, Columbus, OH