Main Theatre | Chappelear Drama Center

Thursday, August 24th, please join us in Chappelear Drama Center from 4:10-5pm as we kick off the 23/24 academic year! At the meeting, you'll be introduced to Theatre faculty, staff, and students! You will also get to hear more information about the productions that will be happening this school year, and how you can get involved! Additionally, you'll hear about student groups, work-study opportunities, and other elements of the Theatre program at Ohio Wesleyan! There will also be light refreshments! So, please join us in Chappelear Drama Center from 4:10-5pm on the second day of class, Thursday, August 24th and learn all about Theatre at OWU! We look forward to seeing you there!  

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Ohio Wesleyan

UniversityContact: Bradford Sadler at