008 | Chappelear Drama Center

Are you looking for an acting or crew opportunity in the coming semester? How about three? Seniors Dyna Bresson, Isabelle Tinti-Kane, and Evan Van Deusen will each be directing a theatrical production over the course of the coming semester, and everyone is welcome to audition, regardless of class standing and experience level! Auditions for all three shows will be held on Thursday, January 25 at 5:00 PM in Room 008 of Chappelear Drama CenterDon't worry if you aren't sure where that is, as there will be signs to lead the way! Actors do not need to prepare anything beforehand.

Dyna Bresson will be directing In the Garden of the Selfish Giant, a play that explores losing a loved one and the importance of being present for others. It addresses themes of honesty, open-mindedness, and personal growth. She is looking to cast four female-presenting actors.

Isabelle Tinti-Kane will be directing "Fair Winds, Following Tides", an original play inspired by her lived experience of growing up in a sailing town. She is looking to cast five actors, who will play eight parts between them.

Evan Van Deusen's Senior Capstone Project, titled "Not Trying to Get a Laugh", consists of five short comedy sketches, written and directed by him. He is looking for 5-6 actors who will each play 2-3 characters.

Not up for acting? Join crew! We welcome anyone with even a passing interest in technical theatre, sewing, construction, or management to sign up for crew. We will be forever in your debt.

If you're interested in being part of these productions, links to audition and crew forms can be found below! We encourage you to audition, and to support student artists on campus. Please fill out audition and crew forms before January 25. Feel free to contact dmbresson@owu.eduimtintikane@owu.edu, and emvandeusen@owu.edu with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Audition and Crew Forms In the Garden of the Selfish Giant Audition/Crew Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCW_BzA5WXsv7LGZ-NtZDCuUUsn6-gI43SpJ6TOJKuH4_5Kw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 "Fair Winds, Following Tides" Audition Form: https://forms.gle/MkFerzC5id5n5xW38"Fair Winds, Following Tides" Crew Form: https://forms.gle/sfiLpXJN15Hnn2fx6

"Not Trying to Get a Laugh" Audition Form: https://forms.gle/Pt147jbnmFJYVamc8

"Not Trying to Get a Laugh" Crew Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfb2Fg3FUKhnexfDCJZOZC4zp4RCeg7EDOMsSXQk4JdC5vYSQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Performing Arts DepartmentContact: Isabelle Tinti-Kane at imtintikane@owu.edu