Panel Theme: Looking Global, Looking Local: A Conversation About Community, Quality of Life, and Health Equity
Panel Members:
- Christopher Fink is an associate professor with the Department of Health and Human Kinetics at Ohio Wesleyan University.
- Frances Jo Hamilton is the Director of Revitalization at Heritage Ohio
- Lisa Ho is an Associate Chaplain and Academic Coach at Ohio Wesleyan University
- Jo Ingles is a Journalist with Ohio Public Radio and the Television Statehouse News Bureau
- Michael Lantow is the Cooking Matters Program Manager at Local Matters
- Scott Sanders is the Director of the Delaware County Regional Planning Commission
- Erica Wood is the Executive Director at Grace Clinics of Ohio, Inc.
This event will be a panel discussion about community quality of life and health equity, and will highlight work in areas that are influential on these issues, including the built environment, community development, food and nutrition, faith and spirituality, and health care access. The panel will be introduced and framed by Christopher Fink, and moderated by Jo Ingles.
Following the panel, we will invite attendees, including representatives from various community organizations, to briefly share how their work engages the community and factors into the discussion. Following this, there will be time for attendees and panelist to network and build connections.