This a reminder to join Dee Peterson, Brian Rellinger, Office of Communications staff, and Matt vandenBerg for an OWU Library Town Hall meeting from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 25, in the Hobson Library. At the session, we will: -Update you on the transition from Beeghly Library to a distributed, campuswide library, including how and where to access necessary books, computer labs, study spaces, and other library resources. -Recap the work of last year’s Library of the Future Task Force. The task force identified best practices and designs for university libraries across the country. Dee Peterson led the group, which included faculty, staff, and a student representative. -Discuss the next steps as we expand library services this year and move forward with our exciting opportunity to design, create, and fund OWU’s library of the future. I hope you are able to join us. It will be recorded for those unable to attend this meeting.
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Office of the PresidentContact: Matt vandenBerg at president@owu.edu