202 | Merrick Hall

About the event: 

When: Feb. 8, 2024 

**DURING LUNCH HOUR** -12PM-1PM (We will be providing lunch)

Where: Merrick Hall Room 202

Jewish Ethics and Seeking Justice: Text Study for Difficult Times 


What does the Jewish tradition have to say about war and peace, racism and anti-racism? Is there an ethic for reading sacred texts? In this interactive workshop, we look at the ways in which Torah texts have been used for both weaponized for war, slavery, and colonialization and mobilized for peace, freedom, and liberation. Can the tradition help us think clearly about our responsibilities and for acting for justice?
Dr. Elliot Ratzman (Earlham College) who teaches courses on religion, social ethics, and politics, has been a practitioner of mussar--a Jewish ethical discipline for over a decade. He has been active with social and racial justice movements, including projects for coexistence in Israel/Palestine.


  Down below is a google form to fill out (asking if you are interested and/or if you have any questions!) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScEV6t_hgevbyZGDJ6NJOvWTUPzjYhvRvHe6p2oTFhvyVDELg/viewform