Gray Chapel | University Hall

Baccalaureate will begin at 7 p.m. May 6 in Gray Chapel inside University Hall, 61 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. The annual event is planned by students with assistance from the University Chaplain’s Office. Baccalaureate typically features poetry and verse readings, personal reflections, and dance and music performances. Ohio Wesleyan’s Religious Life Awards also are presented during the annual celebration.

“Our class has experienced tumultuous change these past years, internationally, nationally, and locally here in the OWU community,” the Class of 2022 Baccalaureate Committee said in announcing the event. “This year we have chosen the theme, ‘Beyond the Bubble’ to highlight our transition from campus. As we prepare to leave the OWU bubble, baccalaureate offers us the space to reflect on the various bubbles of our communities that we have spent time in over the course of the last four years.”

Both Ohio Wesleyan’s Baccalaureate and 1 p.m. Saturday Commencement ceremonies will be streamed live online at Learn more about the events at