Benes Rooms | Hamilton-Williams Campus Center

Jessica L. Byrd, one of Time Magazine’s “12 New Faces of Black Leadership” in 2016, discusses her role as a self-described black queer feminist and a relationship-driven political operative working at the intersection of social justice and electoral politics. She will speak in Benes Rooms A and B of Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, 40 Rowland Ave., Delaware. Byrd also was named the January 2016 “Woman to Watch” by Essence Magazine and one of the most influential millennials shaping the 2016 election by Rolling Stone. She is the founder and principal strategist Three Point Strategies, a Washington, D.C.-based political consulting firm supporting candidates and organizations of color. Byrd’s presentation is OWU’s 2018 Butler A. Jones Lecture Series on Race and Society. It is sponsored by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology with the Office of Minority Student Affairs, Chaplain’s Office, International Studies Program, Department of Politics and Government, Women’s and Gender Studies Program, and Black World Studies Program. Admission is free. Learn more at