On behalf of the Class of 2023 and the Senior Class Baccalaureate Committee, we cordially invite you to attend the Baccalaureate Service at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 12 at Gray Chapel in University Hall.
At OWU, Baccalaureate is an opportunity to reflect as a campus community through interfaith and intercultural lenses. Our goal is to celebrate the experiences and interactions at OWU that have shaped our journeys.
With this in mind, the Baccalaureate Committee has chosen the theme “Seasons of Becoming.”
Our graduating class has transitioned through a variety of seasons over the course of the last four years, each bringing about new growth and understanding. Baccalaureate offers us the opportunity to reflect on how our experiences have shaped and framed who we have become, and will continue to be as we step into this next season of life. This will be a season of transition for all of us, and we look forward to gathering and connecting through meaningful interfaith reflection.
We sincerely hope you will join us in celebrating our time spent at OWU.
Allyson Amstutz, Josie Fornara, and Samavi Sultana
Class of 2023 Baccalaureate Student Coordinators