Aug. 10-Sept. 25 – “We Hold These Truths: Artistic Voices of Youth,” featuring works by California-based Social Justice Sewing Academy that seek to inform, educate, and inspire truth-telling, in Gallery 2001 inside Ohio Wesleyan’s Beeghly Library, 43 Rowland Ave., Delaware.
The young artists represent the “resilience, brilliance, and existence of promising individuals who are most at-risk.”
Presented as part of the 2018-2019 Sagan National Colloquium, the exhibit will open with a free presentation by Sara Trail, founder and executive director of Social Justice Sewing Academy, at 1 p.m. Sept. 8 in the Bayley Room, on the library’s second floor.
Her presentation will be followed by a hands-on workshop from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Pre-registration is required for the workshop, with attendance limited to 25 participants. The workshop fee is $10 for adults, free for students. Call (740) 368-3606 to register.
Gallery 2001’s hours coincide with Beeghly Library hours, available online at www.owu.edu/library.
Learn more about the Social Justice Sewing Academy at www.sjsacademy.com, more about Ohio Wesleyan’s Ross Art Museum and its satellite galleries at www.owu.edu/ross, and more about the 2018-2019 Sagan National Colloquium at www.owu.edu/snc.
About the Sagan National Colloquium
Now in its 34th year, the Sagan National Colloquium seeks annually to address in-depth an issue of national or global importance. The colloquium is funded by an endowment from 1948 OWU alumni Margaret Pickett Sagan and John Sagan, both deceased. Past colloquium speakers have included social activist Gloria Steinem, authors Barbara Ehrenreich and Kurt Vonnegut, Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams, and former President Gerald Ford. Learn more at www.owu.edu/snc.