301 | Merrick Hall

Seniors – you have 100 days until graduation! This is Career Connection's featured event to get you ready for life after graduation. It is geared for graduating seniors, and is open to any student graduating in 2025. This event will occur from 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 30, (with registration starting at 6:15 p.m.) in Merrick 301. It's time to get the INSIDE SCOOP!

Crème Brûlée Spoons, Hot Chocolate, Hummus/Pita, and Cheese/Crackers will be served! Please help yourself and find a seat at a table. Young alums will be stationed at the front of the room and will quickly introduce themselves and talk about things they wish they had known before graduating OWU! You will have the opportunity to participate in 3 table conversations of your choosing and engage in meaningful ways with fellow students and OWU alums.

This event is also the KICKOFF of our Real Life 101 Senior Program, which will include working with a Professional Mentor and attending workshops that cover Finance, Housing, LinkedIn, and more! Students who complete the Real Life 101 program will graduate with special graduation cords, DOT Business Cards, Padfolios, and more! (Note that you do not need to attend the entire Real Life 101 program to participate in this event). Registration is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED and will help us prepare food and alumni numbers for this program.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Ohio Wesleyan University
Contact: Leigh Mascolino at lemascolin@owu.edu