Why Do Students Have to Take the First-Year Seminar, How to Change Your World?

  • The class provides the opportunity to explore a topic of contemporary significance from a variety of perspectives.
  • It will be taught by Faculty Teaching Fellows, who receive special training in teaching first-year students.
  • It allows students to get to know faculty from across the university as they explore their academic interests.
  • The class hones skills that students will use in other classes at OWU.

How Is This Class Different From Other First Year Courses?

The amount of work in the seminar will be equivalent with any other 100-level class, but the seminar is structured differently than other first-year courses, which generally focus on introducing students to a single discipline, such as Introduction to Psychology or Introduction to American Politics. This seminar is interdisciplinary, bringing together faculty with expertise in different aspects of the main topic.

There will be opportunities to learn from outside experts and work together with other sections throughout the semester.

This class focuses on transferable skills that will be valuable to students in other courses at OWU and that employers list as critical. Many other courses teach these skills, but this class will allocate more time to them.

What Does It Count For?

The course is part of OWU's newly revised General Education Curriculum and serves as the gateway into the OWU Connection and the many opportunities it affords OWU students

I'm planning on majoring in X. Is there a CNX class that aligns with my intended major?

No. While we will talk about how you might choose a major or acquire the skills you need to pursue your passions, CNX100 is not a course in your major—by design. How to Change your World is an interdisciplinary class, meaning that students and faculty from all different departments work together to explore our theme. Sometimes we will be watching films, sometimes engaging in scientific research, at other times, we will study research about social issues or read fiction. The skills you will build are foundational—meaning that they are vital to whichever major you may pursue.

Will There Be Exams? What Kinds of Assignments Will There Be?

The course involves students in activities and assignments designed to tackle real-life problems. While activities and assignments may vary slightly across sections, there is no final exam or long paper.

Does It Cost Anything to Register? Are There Fees Associated With the Course?

There are no fees associated with the course or any of the activities.

How Do I Sign Up?

Your Faculty Registration Guide will make sure that you are properly enrolled.

What if I Don't Have Space in My Schedule?

No problem! While all students must take the seminar during their first year, you can choose which semester you would like to enroll by talking to your Faculty Registration Guide during your registration appointment.

Do Transfer Students Have to Take This Course?

It depends. Depending on their prior coursework, transfer students may be exempted from this requirement. Transfer students should consult with their admissions counselor or the Registrar about how their prior coursework will translate to OWU's graduation requirements.

How Will I Know Whether I Should Take the Seminar in My First or Second Semester?

Approximately half of the first year class will take the semester in the fall, and the other half in the spring. Faculty registration guides will work with students to choose the semester that is most appropriate.

Do Different Sections Have Different Topics?

Sections vary in terms of the individual readings and sub-topics. But all seminars are focused on the main topic: MOVE: mobility, migration, and belonging and share many common assignments.

I'm an Honors Student. Do I Have to Take the Seminar?

Yes, all incoming students are required to take the seminar. It provides an invigorating academic environment in which students will be exposed to interdisciplinary topics that are intended to capture the interest of students from across the university.

Can I Take CNX 100 Pass/Fail?

No. As a graduation requirement, CNX 100 may not be taken credit/no entry (OWU's equivalent of pass/fail).

Contact Info


P 740-368-3863
E anbiser@owu.edu

Faculty Director

Ashley Biser
Faculty Director of First-Year Seminar