Gifts and Gratitude

Senior Sanchez donates all four years
A smile fills the face of Ohio Wesleyan University senior Alexander Sanchez as he talks about his four years of giving back.
Sanchez has donated to the University all four years he has attended OWU. His appreciation for the impact OWU has on him inspired him to ensure a continuous impact on current and future students.
From Caguas, Puerto Rico, Sanchez was introduced to the importance of donating through his position at Phonathon, an OWU program for University fundraising. Phonathon encourages student workers to highlight the influence that a donation will have at OWU. Sanchez has taken this message to heart as he’s seen the willingness of alumni to give back to their alma mater. He says he wanted to acknowledge all OWU has done for him to make his college experience valuable.
An international business and French major with minors in women’s and gender studies and politics and government, Sanchez credits OWU for providing him with travel opportunities and professional assistance that has helped him focus his career path.
Strong connections with professors and other students are the most valuable part of OWU, he says.
By Christina Semeraro ’20