
Mock Conventions prove OWU students are ahead of the times
An OWU tradition dating back to 1884, Mock Convention remains a momentous campus event. This year Gray Chapel again filled with students, along with faculty, staff, and several alumni, to debate the issues, amend the party platform, and nominate candidates for president and vice president. In 1988 (top), despite support for native son Howard Metzenbaum, OWU for the first time nominated an African American, Jesse Jackson, for president. This year the students again made history, nominating an all-female ticket, Elizabeth Warren for president and Stacey Abrams for vice president. OWU’s Mock Convention always represents the political party not currently in the White House, so the 2016 event was a Republican convention and this year’s was a Democratic convention. Pictured, Dylan Hays ’20 submits the signatures to nominate Warren while (from left) Alexis Greene ’21, Makaila Weir ’21, Assistant Professor of Politics and Government Brianna Mack, and Fatima Iqbal ’21 look on.