Faculty Notes
Lecturer in Theatre & Dance Jill Becker taught Delicious Movement, a class combining the anatomical principles of Thomas Myers with dance improvisation. She also performed a solo dance contrasting private and public parts of oneself at the Body Mind Centering Association Conference at Reed College in Portland, OR, in June 2015.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Geography Nick Crane is part of a research team that received support from the Institute for Human Geography for a project called “Breaking Consent, Making Space for Racial and Economic Justice.”
Professor of Botany & Microbiology Jerry Goldstein published three research articles in 2015 co-authored by current and former OWU students: “Sodium Fluoride Enhances T2 Bacteriophage Yield,” co-authored by Jazmine Quinn ’15, was published in Research & Reviews: A Journal of Biotechnology; “Garlic and Onion Extracts Enhance the Yield of T2 Bacteriophage in E. Coli,” co-authored with Gwen Kelling ’16, Gregory Serpa ’15, Karli Sturgill ’15, and Madeline Vroom ’16, also published in Research & Reviews: A Journal of Biotechnology; and “Comparison of the Keratinase Gene Sequences of Fast and Slow Feather Degrading Strains of Bacillus licheniformis,” co-authored by OWU graduates Patricia Celestino Soper ’05, Allison Morrell Bailey ’05, and Sara Fitzgerald-Butt ’00, published in Research & Reviews: A Journal of Microbiology and Virology.
Professor of Physics & Astronomy Robert Haring-Kaye published “Coexisting Single-Particle and Collective Excitations in 70As” in Physical Review C, the premier domestic journal for nuclear physics research. The article resolves several uncertainties surrounding the underlying structure of a particular isotope of arsenic that have remained a mystery since this nucleus was first studied in the 1970s. The article was co-authored by Robert Elder ’15, a mathematics and physics double-major at OWU and current graduate student studying nuclear physics at Michigan State University.
In November, the Quince Contemporary Music Ensemble premiered Assistant Professor of Music Jennifer Jolley’s Pussy Riot-inspired song cycle “Prisoner of Conscience” at Constellation Chicago.
Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas received the OWU Presidential Award for Racial and Cultural Diversity. This year she taught a Theory-to-Practice course in Spain where students researched how Spanish classical theater plays are adapted and produced for contemporary audiences. She also co-authored an annotated edition of the Spanish early modern play Amazonas en las Indias, and co-translated the Spanish comic play Interlude of the Witches.
Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages Eva Paris-Huesca had several pieces published in 2015, including three book chapters: “Intersección de miradas femeninas y voces andaluzas en el cine de Pilar Távora” in Mujeres directoras en el cine español de los orígenes al año 2000: la construcción de la propia Mirada; “(Re)apropiación de la novela detectivesca: la violencia de(l) género en Las niñas perdidas de Cristina Fallarás” in Tras la pista. Novela criminal escrita por mujeres; and “En busca de un pasado perdido: Sé quién eres y los nuevos discursos de la memoria” in El género eterno: Estudios sobre novela y cine negro. She also published the peer-reviewed journal article “Pilar Miró y el revival del noir en los noventa: Beltenebros y la femme fatale en proceso de de(con)strucción” in Lectora. Revista de mujeres y textualidad 21.
Emeritus professor of zoology, Wendell Patton, authored “On the Natural History and Functional Morphology of the Clam Shrimp Lynceus Brachyurus,” published in Journal of Crustacean Biology. Patton details the results of a long-term study on the biology and life cycle of a small crustacean that lives in temporary woodland pools south of Delaware.
Assistant Professor of Education Campbell Scribner authored the book, The Fight for Local Control: Schools, Suburbs, and American Democracy, forthcoming in May by Cornell University Press. Scribner explains how 1970s suburban conservatives used the legacy of the one-room schoolhouse to change educational law, and shielded themselves from racial desegregation and tax equalization. He also explores why conservatives have begun to abandon local control as a political cause.
Professor of Physics and Astronomy Brad Trees ’86 will be a named contributor in the first digital edition of the world’s leading college physics textbook, originally authored by Halliday and Resnick. The new work will be marketed as Fundamentals of Physics (digital edition), by Jearl Walker with Interactive Simulations by Brad Trees. Publication is forthcoming in January 2018.
Professor of Botany & Microbiology Chris Wolverton was elected to a three-year term on the governing board of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research at its annual meeting in November 2015. He continues to work toward a 2017 launch of his experiment on the International Space Station, and the project’s budget has been increased to support development for flight.