Welcome to a new feature of OWU Magazine—and a new opportunity for you to win some Ohio Wesleyan gear!

As you know, Ohio Wesleyan's campus is beautiful, and a favorite setting for photographers. Everyone recognizes photos of the iconic University Hall tower rising above the October leaves, the Stuy courtyard after a fresh snowfall, sunshine illuminating the Slocum skylight.

We want to look more closely and find small gems that are hidden in plain view on this campus. These are sights that you may have passed frequently, perhaps every day, during your four years that OWU was your home.

Below are four photos of such gems. How many of these do you recognize? What is each image, and where is it on campus? Please send us your answers. Alumni Relations has prizes for the first five OWU Magazine readers who answer all four correctly or who have the most correct answers.

Please submit your answers online or send them by mail to OWU Magazine, University Communications, 61 S. Sandusky St., Delaware, OH 43015.