Making an Impact Today

Ohio Wesleyan University partners with OWU alumni and friends to invest in significant university initiatives while fulfiling personal philanthropic goals.

Typically, the gift is endowment level which have lasting impact on the growth of the university.  

Other types of significant gifts are those for capital improvements, programmatic support, or special initiatives.

Endowment Giving

What is an endowed fund?

Endowed funds are gifts that are permanently invested to supply a steady, annual source of funds for a purpose specified by the donor. Endowed funds are often named in honor of a donor or loved one and can also be a powerful way to involve family in philanthropy. Because endowed gifts continue to generate income in perpetuity, they provide essential resources to ensure the University's long-term strength and support future generations. Currently, to create a permanent endowment requires a gift of $50,000 or more.  

What can it support?

Endowments can support many areas of the University:

  • By providing scholarships/financial aid, 
  • Supporting a particular major or department, 
  • Enabling travel learning experiences, 
  • Facilitating research and internship opportunities, and more. 

Some of the most powerful endowed funds are left without restriction, allowing the University to adapt to changes in higher education and address emerging priorities.

How is an endowed fund managed?

When you give to OWU's endowment, your funds are invested for the long-term and exist in perpetuity.  A portion of the interest income is used for the purpose designated by the endowment terms, while the remainder is reinvested, allowing the fund to grow and provide for the future.  Investment oversight for all endowment funds is managed by the Board of Trustees.

As of June 30, 2024, OWU's endowment was valued at more than $300M. Since 2012, OWU's endowment has grown by 75%. OWU ranks in the top 10% by endowment size of all U.S. higher education institutions.

President's Circle

The President's Circle is a select group of alumni, parents and friends whose philanthropy focuses on strategic investments for University growth selected by the President.  

President's Circle members generously commit to giving $10,000 annually beyond their current gifts to The Ohio Wesleyan Fund or other philanthropic commitments.

President's Circle funds have provided momentum for various components of The OWU Connection and initiatives designed to improve student retention.

Be part of our future in this advisory capacity, alongside our President and fellow President's Circle members.

Legacy giving - Ensuring OWU's long-term success

The Tower Society honors and recognizes alumni and friends who have included Ohio Wesleyan in their estate plans. There are a variety of ways to provide for OWU in your planning, including:

  • Gifts in your will or trust (bequests),
  • Gifts through your retirement plan assets (beneficiary designations),
  • Charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust, which pay the donor/s income for life and leave the remainder for the University,
  • Paid-up life insurance policies, and more.

Members of the Tower Society have created a lasting legacy for OWU students, faculty and University programs. Planned gifts create tremendous opportunities for the University and allow OWU to transofrm the lives of future generations. Learn more about planned gifts.