The following policies affect the student contribution from income:

Expected-Year Income

The student’s particular situation will dictate the reasonableness of substituting the expected-year income for the base-year amount. The institution will use the following factors in its decision to make adjustments: Student’s base-year income is not a reasonable predictor for current-year income.

For example, a student who has worked full time during the base year and does not have that same opportunity during the current year due to college enrollment. Students transferred to OWU for the spring semester after paying their fall contribution at another college.

Change in Dependency

P.L. 99-­48 states that a student may be considered independent if the financial aid administrator makes a documented determination of independence by reason of unusual circumstances. In carrying out that provision, to the extent possible, the institution will treat students in similar situations consistently, while recognizing that each case must be determined individually.

The institution will consider written, documented requests from students to have their dependency status changed from dependent to independent. The student will be notified of the determination in writing.

Dependency Circumstances Meriting Review

Guardianship Ending: Students who have a legal guardian, and that guardianship will be ending before the start of classes, may have their dependency changed from dependent to independent.

Parental Neglect and/or Child Abuse: In situations where parental neglect or abuse is a factor, the student may have his/her status changed from dependent to independent. The student must provide third-party documentation of the family situation. Third party should be a social worker, guidance counselor, minister, etc. Third party may not be a relative.

All institutional decisions and actions will be documented using forms designed for such purposes and kept in the student’s file.

Exceptions to the documentation requirements listed above will not be allowed.

The institution will not provide an opportunity for the student to appeal the determination.

Cost of Attendance

Adjustments may be made to a student's cost of attendance based on special circumstances. When appropriate, this institution will adjust cost of attendance to reflect more closely a student’s true expenses. In assessing expenses beyond those normally considered, the institution will consistently follow these policies and procedures:

Request for Review

Cost of attendance will be reviewed upon written request of the student. Reviews will be conducted by the Financial Aid Office. The student will be notified of the results of the review.

Cost of Attendance Circumstances Meriting Review

Students with special expenses related to handicap: The institution will include additional expenses related to handicapped students in the following situations: All education-related expenses including: audiovisual aids, mechanical devices, and special equipment not funded by external sources will be added to the student’s budget.

Students with dependents requiring special care: The institution will consider additional necessary expenses involved in the care of an individual determined to be dependent on the student under the following circumstances:

Reasonable educational rehabilitative and medical expenses not funded by external sources will be considered in determining the student’s budget.


Documentation of additional or unusual costs will generally consist of signed statements from the student (and spouse). A signed statement shall be required from an individual with knowledge of the expense, receipts for purchases, or other items may be required in the following circumstances: Child care expenses, handicap-related educational expenses, and medical/rehabilitative costs not funded by external sources.

Contact Info


Offices of Admission & Financial Aid
Slocum Hall 302
Delaware, Ohio 43015
P 740-368-3050
F 740-368-3066