We know it’s hard to think about sending your child to school half a world away. The parents profiled here sent their sons and daughters to Ohio Wesleyan, and they believe they made the right decision.

South Korea

Dave Brown is currently employed as a teacher in Seoul.

This is a very exciting time for most parents. Your children are ready to leave the nest, move across the wide ocean, and attend a university of your choice. There are many questions and uncertainties that are probably in your minds. My wife and I had these same feelings over 2 years ago. After doing our research of many American universities, we were impressed with Ohio Wesleyan University. There were many reasons that made us feel this way. The most important to us was the interaction between parent, student, and faculty. I strongly feel this was our deciding factor for selecting this university for our only child. The help we have received in the past couple of years has helped to make our lives without our son a little more comfortable. My biggest recommendation to a new student’s parents is to use the Ohio Wesleyan University website. It will answer most of your questions. A few times, I had to call personally to the university and my questions were answered quickly and to the point. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you luck and happiness with your possible selection of Ohio Wesleyan University for your child.

대학에 자식을 보내는 이 시간은 어느 부모에게도 소중한 시기 입니다. 집을 떠나 먼 바다를 건너갈 준비를 하는 자식을 두고 많은 걱정과 질문을 생각하게 되죠. 저희도 2년전 아들을 대학으로 처음 보내기전에 같은 느낌이었답니다. 그 와중에 미국 대학들을 조사해보면서 오하이오 웨슬리안이 저희 아들에게 적합하다는걸 깨달았지요. 이 학교에 가장큰 매력 포인트는 부모, 교수, 그리고 학생의 상호 작용이라고 봅니다. 이 이유 때문에 저희는 오하이오 웨슬리안을 택하게 된거지요.
요 몇년간 학생 처장과의 끊임없는 연락 주고받기로 저희 아들이 어떻게 잘 대학생활에 적응하는지 알 수 있었습니다. 혹시 학교에 대한 질문이 있으시다면, 학교의 웹사이트를 이용하시는걸 저는 적극 추천합니다. 거의 모든 해답을 구할 수 있거든요. 아주 가끔 학교로 직접 전화를 하게 될 수도 있겠지만, 역시나 전화를 해도 문제 없이 그쪽 직원이랑 쉽게 문제를 해결하거나 대화를 하게될껍니다. 혹시나 물어보실 질문이라도 있으시면 제 이메일로 언제나 질문을 보내세요. 이 계기로 부모님이 현명한 판단을 하시기 바랍니다.

Note: Depending on your computer’s capabilities, you may be able to read the parents’ stories in English only, even though they are provided in English and also in the native language.

Office of International Admission


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75 S Sandusky St
Delaware, OH 43015
F 740-368-3314
E owuintl@owu.edu

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