OWU Connection Grants
Discover Boundless Possibilities with OWU Connection Grants: Unleashing the Power of Exploration, Community Impact, Global Travel, and Professional Growth
OWU Connection grants are funded by generous donors to help students design and execute personalized and impactful OWU Connection experiences. OWU believes that every student should have the opportunity to Think Big, Do Good, Go Global, and Get Real, and these grants help make that happen. These grants are intended to close financial gaps and remove as many barriers as possible to participate in your OWU Connection experience.

General OWU Connection Grant Application
Do you have an OWU Connection experience that helps you Think Big, Do Good, Go Global, or Get Real? Do you have a financial need to participate in this experience that is less than $4,000? If so, this is the application best suited for you. This grant is best for independent experiences.
** When you follow the link below to apply, sign in by clicking the OWU logo and your OWU single-sign-on information.

Theory-to-Practice Grants
Did you learn something in class that struck your interest? For example, you may want to dive deeper into why an organism functions in a certain way, experience life in a different culture, or provide service through sustained volunteerism. Does this idea or activity require more than $4,000 of funding? If so, Theory-to-Practice grants are best suited for you.
Theory-to-Practice grants are great individual or group experiences.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Thanks to the generosity of OWU Alumni and Friends we are able to provide OWU Connection grant funding to remove barriers and stress related to financial needs you may face exploring undergraduate research, service and community learning, travel and cross-cultural experiences, and career development.
Impact of OWU Connection Grants
Recent grants have supported projects that include studying green energy and hydrogen fuel cells; comparing the elementary school structures in Dublin, Ireland, and Dublin, Ohio; building rapport between cultures while interning with the East Meets West Foundation in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; and interning as a data analyst at a high-growth technology company.
To date, OWU Connection grants have awarded over $2 million to the campus community, enabling thousands of OWU students, faculty, and staff to conduct research, complete service projects, travel, and intern in 62 countries (including the U.S.) and 25 states/territories, including Ohio.
Contact Info
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, OH 43015
Associate Dean of the OWU Connection
Slocum Hall 308 | ddmarkwa@owu.edu
Megan R. Ellis
Executive Director of the OWU Connection
Slocum Hall 211 | mrellis@owu.edu