Contact Info
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, OH 43015
Associate Dean of the OWU Connection
Slocum Hall 308 |
Megan R. Ellis
Executive Director of the OWU Connection
Slocum Hall 211 |
The Ohio Wesleyan General Education Connection Experience (OWU GenEd CX) is a key part of the OWU curriculum
During this experience, students translate classroom content and theory into practice in contexts beyond traditional academic settings.
To fulfill the GenEd CX requirement, students complete a four-step process:
The links along the right of this page provide helpful information. These include:
To receive credit for your GenEd Connection Experience, you must complete four sequential steps. Each step must be approved before proceeding to the next. Click the step links below to access the required forms in etrieve by Softdocs.
Complete the initial proposal form describing your planned Connection Experience, including basic details and links to your selected OWU Connection area.
Submit a brief progress report during your Connection Experience, describing initial activities and reflecting on challenges and course connections made.
After completing your Connection Experience, submit detailed reflections connecting your experience to OWU coursework and describing skills gained and future implications.
Present your Connection Experience at a Connection Conference or equivalent venue, then document your presentation through the final form.