Bishop Herbert Welch Meritorious Teaching Award (2019)
2019 Commencement Excerpt
I am happy to announce that the winner of the Welch Award for Teaching is Dr. Lynette Carpenter – Professor of English.
Dr. Carpenter – today you are receiving an award for excellence in teaching from a faculty that excels in shaping the minds and lives of students. This is a considerable accomplishment not easily attained – and one that should fill you with great pride.
Lynette, I would like to share with you a recent comment from one of your colleagues about what they observed in your classroom:
I was terrifically impressed with Professor Carpenter’s lecture, most especially the sense of camaraderie and level of familiarity she shared with her students and the time she gave them to answer the questions posed with confidence and insight. She ensures her students not only come to class prepared with the day’s reading completed and in front of them, but she then asks that they apply their knowledge to a new text, distributed in class. She listened to each student, asked questions so as to clarify or complicate a student’s analysis, and demonstrated herself to be a well-prepared and confident lecturer.
It is my great pleasure to present this award to Dr. Lynette Carpenter.