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Student Research

Students in neuroscience have plenty of opportunities for conducting research with faculty mentors at OWU.

The Summer Science Research Program at OWU (SSRP) is a 10-week program where students engaged in a full-time research project over the summer, with a stipend and free housing during the duration of the program. 

Many students also engage in independent study projects during the regular academic year, with a faculty sponsor and mentor.  Many neuroscience majors have been awarded "Theory-to-Practice" grants through OWU to fund their own research projects. 

There are also many other exciting and competitive summer research programs for undergrads at other institutions nationwide, for a wide-range of biological sciences. Most application deadlines are in January-March for summer positions in that year.  Click here for a list of summer research programs at other institutions.

Useful Links

Society for Neuroscience: Higher Education & Training


National & International Brain Bee

Neuroscience for Kids

Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience


Program Contact Info


Phillips 52F
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3808

Social Media

Facebook OWU Neuroscience

Interim Program Director

Chelsea Vadnie
Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology
Phillips Hall 52D | 740-368-3811 | cavadnie@owu.edu