Program Contact Info
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
Interim Program Director
Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology
Phillips Hall 52D | 740-368-3811 |
The Neuroscience Bishop Award for Conferences (NBAC) supports travel for OWU Neuroscience majors to present their research at national and international conferences and meetings. These meetings are a central part of scientific careers. They provide valuable and necessary opportunities to develop presentation skills, as well learn about ground-breaking neuroscience research from the scientists themselves. You will also get opportunities to meet potential future employers, graduate school advisers, and other medical or graduate school programs at these meetings.
Discuss with your research adviser which conference is best for you before applying for the NBAC grant.
Each student is eligible for up to $1,000, but must include a detailed budget justifying each expense. Funds can be used for conference registration, airfare, local transit, lodging, and food (based on a per diem).
Students may be Co-Applicants, but each student is required to submit an individual application and list all other co-applicants.
Requirements for the NBAC Grant
1. You must be currently enrolled full-time at Ohio Wesleyan, and must be a declared Neuroscience or Computational Neuroscience major at the time of your submission.
2. Your submission must include a DOCX or PDF file that contains:
A) Title of your project.
B) An abstract of the research you are presenting (500 word limit).
C) Name and title of your Research Adviser.
D) List of all Co-Authors of your presentation.
E) Names of any Co-Applicants for the NBAC grant.
E) A brief description of the conference, and your interest in attending and presenting at the conference (250 word limit).
F) A detailed budget that is itemized.
Include your travel dates, and dates at hotels or other paid lodging.
Reminder: Funds can be used for conference registration, airfare, local transit, lodging, and food ($25 per diem for food).
It is recommended to include screenshots from travel websites for your intended dates of travel as justification for travel expenses.
Deadlines for the NBAC Application
1. There are 2 application cycles per year for the NBAC grant: Fall and Spring.
The Fall application deadline is the Friday after Fall Break. Awards will be announced one month after the application deadline.
The Spring application deadline is the Friday after Spring Break. Awards will be announced one month after the application deadline.
2. It is important to note that no matter which deadline for which you apply, you may specify when you want the funds to be available. Funds will be given at the start of Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. You may request funds to be available for any 12-month period after your application is submitted.
For example, if you apply in the Fall semester, you may request funds to start at the beginning of the following semester (Spring), or wait until the Summer or even the Fall semester of the following year.
Similarly, if you apply in the Spring semester, you may request funds to start at the beginning of the Summer, or wait until the Fall semester or even the Spring semester of the following year.
Funding dates: August 1 (start of Fall semester), January 1 (start of Spring semester), and May 1 (start of Summer session).
Application Form
Please review the Requirements and Deadlines listed above before submitting your application. If you have any questions about your application, please email
When you are ready to submit your application, email your materials to
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