Introduction to the Program

The Latin American and Latine Studies Program Studies program provides you with an interdisciplinary framework for studying the societies of a culturally rich and diverse region shaped by the meeting of Amerindian, African, and European peoples. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the region known as Latin America (Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean). Using the perspectives and methodologies of multiple academic fields, you will develop a more profound political, social, historical, economic, and cultural knowledge of Latin America than you could realized in any single discipline.

Program Features

  • All majors are required to participate in a study abroad program in a Spanish- or Portuguese-speaking nation in Latin America, which provides hands-on experience in Latin American cultures. You are encouraged to spend a semester or longer abroad, but with prior approval, a summer program may be substituted.
  • Courses are drawn from several different departments including World Languages & Cultures (Spanish), History, Economics, Politics & Government, Geography, Religion, Philosophy, and Sociology/Anthropology.

Available Majors

Available Minors

Program Contact Info


Director: Jeremy Baskes
Elliott Hall 109
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3638

Social Media

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Program Director

Andrea Colvin
Associate Professor in the Department of World Languages & Cultures
University Hall 210 | 740-368-3682 |