
Kira Bailey

David O. Robbins Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology;
Neuroscience Program Director
Phillips Hall 52-F | 740-368-3808 | kmbailey@owu.edu

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Krystal Cashen

Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology
Phillips Hall 52-A | 740-368-3810 | kkcashen@owu.edu

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Vicki DiLillo

Professor in the Department of Psychology;
Interim Department Chair
Phillips Hall 52-C | 740-368-3816 | vgdilill@owu.edu

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Michelle Meyer

Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology
Phillips Hall 52 | 740-368-3904 | memeyer@owu.edu

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Christopher Modica

Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology
Phillips Hall 52-B | 740-368-3809 | camodica@owu.edu

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Chelsea Vadnie

Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology
Phillips Hall 52-D | 740-368-3811 | cavadnie@owu.edu



Retired Faculty

Harry Bahrick

Emeritus Professor of Psychology

A leading expert on human memory, Harry Bahrick became a member of the OWU Psychology Department in 1949 and retired as a Research Professor in 2012. He has published more than 70 articles on learning and memory, he was awarded numerous research grants from NSF and NIH, and he was the 1994 recipient of the American Psychological Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching. In 2013, he co-authored a book (with Lynda Hall and Melinda Baker) that summarizes more than 50 years of research on maintenance of knowledge. 

Harvey Freeman

Emeritus Professor of Psychology

Professor Freeman earned his Ph.D. from the Ohio State University. Although he was originally hired in 1970 to teach Social Psychology, he was best known for his classes in Personality, Psychological Adjustment, and Counseling and Psychotherapy. Dr. Freeman retired in 2012, and he created an endowed fund for the department that allowed us to create a student art gallery in our main classroom.

Richard Leavy

Emeritus Professor of Psychology

Professor Leavy earned his Ph. D. at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Trained in clinical psychology, he joined the department in 1980 after teaching at St. Mary's College in Indiana for four years. The courses he taught included abnormal behavior, community psychology, and organizational behavior. He retired in 2016. A self-taught watercolorist, he now teaches the basics of painting to seniors.

Dale Swartzentruber

Emeritus Professor of Psychology

Dale Swartzentruber occupied the experimental psychology/learning position in OWU's Psychology Department before becoming the university's Associate Provost for Institutional Research and Academic Budget Management. He taught Introductory Psychology, Quantitative Methods, Research Methods, and Learning. Swartzentruber's research focused on animal learning and cognition. Dr. Swartzentruber retired in 2020.

Lynda Hall

Emeritus Professor of Psychology

Dr. Hall was a member of the department since 1985. Dr. Hall was the department's cognitive psychologist and she served as the university's Associate Dean for Academic Performance. She specialized in metacognition, maintenance of knowledge systems, and developmental changes in processing speed. She is also interested in cognitive aging and behavioral statistics. The courses she taught include cognitive psychology, quantitative methods, and research methods. Before joining the faculty in 1989, she served as associate director of the psychology department's memory research laboratory. Hall has three cats, and they're all spoiled rotten. Dr. Hall retired in 2021.


Department Contact Info


Phillips Hall 52
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3800
F 740-368-3812
E psychology@owu.edu

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Department Contact

Interim Chair: Vicki DiLillo
Professor in the Department of Psychology
Phillips Hall 052C | 740-368-3816 | vgdilill@owu.edu

Academic Assistant: Christina Muirhead-Gould
Phillips Hall 052A | 740-368-3802 | csmuirheadgould@owu.edu