Current Tutors:
Nilu Deb
Major: Astrophysics & Computer Science
The Department of Physics and Astronomy has developed a centralized tutoring program aimed at students enrolled in PHYS 110/111 (General Physics I and II---calculus-based introductory physics) and PHYS 115/116 (Principles of Physics I and II---algebra-based introductory physics). The program is funded by and administered in conjunction with the Sagan Academic Resource Center.
Tutoring sessions generally begin during the second week of each semester and continue through the final week of classes.
Open Tutoring Sessions: Our departmental tutor will provide assistance with lecture and/or laboratory material in a group setting in the Sagan ARC office (HWCC 324) at the following days and times:
Mondays: 7pm-9pm; Tutor: Ron Netawat
Wednesdays: 7pm-9pm; Tutor: Nilu Deb
Individual Tutoring Sessions: available by appointment
Feel free to attend as many open tutoring sessions as you wish.
Nilu Deb
Major: Astrophysics & Computer Science
Ron Netawat
Major: Physics & Mathematics