Edward Jewett Wheeler graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1879.  Afterward, he was a trustee of the University.  For fifteen years he was editor of The Literary Digest and in 1905 became the editor of Current Opinion magazine.

Dr. Wheeler was described in this way by former Bishop W.F. MacDonald, who had been a classmate of his at OWU:
     "Through the years he wrote in many forms; spoke freely on many subjects; mingled constantly with the men of this great city and with the men of the larger world.  He never gave his potent pen to the advocacy of anything low or mean or unworthy, and he never failed to use pen or voice in the service of the things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovable, and of good report."

The Wheeler Poetry Prize honors the person who wrote a meritorious poem or group of poems.  Please find the last five (5) years' award winners listed below.  For an exhaustive list of past recipients, please email the department at eng@owu.edu.

Year Recipient
2024 Sam Parker
2023 Savannah Brantley
2022 Jenna Nahhas '24
2021 Justice Clark '24
2020 Giulianna Meltzer '20