Ohio Wesleyan University’s Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). CAEP accreditation ensures quality through external review. The CAEP accountability measures below show how OWU’s EPPs comply with CAEP standards.
In May 2021, CAEP granted OWU’s EPPs full accreditation at the initial levels until spring 2026. Programs reviewed include:
- Elementary Education (P-5)
- Inclusive Elementary Education (Dual Licensure P-5)
- Middle Childhood Education (4-9 ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies)
- Special Education (K-12 Mild/Moderate)
- Adolescent Young Adult (7-12 ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies)
- Multi-Age (K-12 Art, Drama, Music, World Language).
In April 2022, the Ohio Department of Higher Education requested that our next site visit take place in the spring of 2026, which was approved by CAEP Staff.
CAEP accreditation indicates we successfully prepare new teachers to effectively know their subject area, serve diverse groups of students, have meaningful preservice experiences, and that we use data to drive targeted program improvement.
CAEP Accountability Measures
CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) has four annual accountability measures that provide information to the public on program impact and program outcome. The CAEP measures with links to supporting evidence for each measure are as follows:
Measure 1: Completer effectiveness (R4.1) - Impact of completers’ teaching contributing to P-12 student learning and completers’ effectiveness in applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions.
- Value-Added Ratings (PDF) — a component of Ohio’s Accountability system, value-added calculations utilize data from state-tested subjects and grades to measure student growth.
- OTES Data (PDF) — administrator ratings of the performance of recent graduates, as mandated under OTES (Ohio Teacher Evaluation System).
Measure 2: Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement (R4.2 & R5.3) - Data provided should be collected on employers' satisfaction with program completers.
- Employer Survey (PDF) — a survey of employers’ perceptions of recent graduates’ quality of preparation provided by Ohio Wesleyan University. Data collected by ODHE (Ohio Department of Higher Education).
Measure 3: Candidate competency at completion (R3.3) - Data provided should relate to measures the EPP is using to determine if candidates are meeting program expectations and ready to be recommended for licensure.
- edTPA Data (PDF)
- Completer Graduation Rates (PDF)
- Pre-Service Survey (PDF) — a survey of student satisfaction with the quality of preparation provided by Ohio Wesleyan University. Pre-service teachers receive an invitation from ODHE to complete this survey during their culminating student teaching experience.
Measure 4: Ability of completers to be hired in positions for which they have prepared
- Employment Information (PDF) — employment information on graduates in their first and second year after program completion.
- Resident Educator Data (PDF) — data on Ohio Wesleyan University graduates’ completion of the requirements of the Resident Educator program.
- EPP Alumni Survey (PDF) — a survey of alumni satisfaction with the quality of preparation provided by Ohio Wesleyan University. In-service teachers receive an invitation from ODHE to complete this survey as they enter Year Two of the Resident Educator Program.