Founded in 1955, Ohio Wesleyan's Writing Center promotes writing as a hallmark of liberal arts education. The Writing Center's mission is to provide high-quality, up-to-date, professional instruction and support in all writing tasks and topics for all members of the Ohio Wesleyan Community.
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Meet with Us
Writing Center appointments and walk-in availability is now on Penji and on our Tutoring Page
What We Do
We work with all OWU students—from beginning to advanced writers, first-years to seniors, those who find writing a challenge and those who love to write—on a wide range of writing assignments and on all aspects of the writing process.
Students visit the Writing Center to work on every type of writing task from every type of class, and on resumes and cover letters, graduate school application materials and personal statements, scholarship applications, and applications for OWU opportunities, such as off-campus study and Theory-to-Practice Grants. Writing Center consultants and peer tutors provide constructive suggestions in all areas of writing, including getting ideas, focusing, organizing, paragraphing, citing sources, and proofreading.
We also work with faculty members who consult the Writing Center about writing assignments for their classes, writing across the curriculum development, and their own writing projects. Additionally, we can visit classes to conduct workshops on any writing topics.
Writing Center services are available free of charge to help you become a more confident, effective writer.
For questions, please contact